"O" My!


So the weight loss and blood sugar control trend continues unabated. It seems this drug is living up to the hype!

My nurse practitioner was glowing a couple weeks ago. Blood pressure 113 / 73, weight 292, A1C 7.7 (still above where I want it but she seemed okay with it), cholesterol in range and she even said I look healthier including my shin discolorations which seemed to be improving. Go figure! And I honestly wasn't even trying really hard.

She lowered my Carvedilol and upped the Ozempic to 1 mg dose per week.

3 weeks in and my weight is down to 284. The increased dosage is still at the same copay of $15 per month. She even suggested discontinuing the Jardiance.

But I'm going to ride this gravy train as hard as I can, as far as the chemicals are concerned. When I take my blood sugar readings, very sporadically, I still get results higher than I like, for instance, in the 140s after fasting for 8 hours. So like I did when I first got put on this med, I'm going to also take metformin and glimepiride in order to get the full benefit of their weight loss side effects. 

If you look at the below graph, when I started Ozempic in August, I did just that, plus I was taking the remaining capsules I had left of the Alli I bought a couple years ago. This accounts for the big drop through September. (FYI, the jump in weight from July to August is simply because the last time I had reported to MFP, I had been 296 and when I started up again in charting my weight it was 301. So it looks like a big jump but in actuality I had been well above 300 for quite some time as it looks like it had been more than a year since I used MFP previously.)

I think I can conservatively say I should be around 275 by the end of the year. Even accounting for Ol' Georgie dangling his alcohol luring sprig of mistletoe above my head. Oh, don't get me wrong, he will try, as he has been trying over the past couple months. But if the gallons of adult beverage poured down my sink can be a testament to, he's not been entirely too successful.

It appears there is a 2 mg dose of this that can be prescribed. I'll be seeing Ms. Gonzalez in March. Maybe she'll bump it up to that? Maybe I'll be about 250 by then. And then what? Eating a single Saltine cracker per day? Breaking the unbelievably elusive and fantasy goal of 200 within a year from now?

Of course I can point to countless times I've been down this road before. Just the number of times I've logged this ongoing Journey throughout the years even here on this blog is daunting. But it really feels different this time. I'm not starving myself. I'm continuing to eat what I like (just naturally in smaller quantities since I can fill up more readily and I think less frequently about pigging out), I'm doing no real exercise. But I am starting to feel the effects of the weight loss. I do feel a bit more energetic and I know it's just a matter of maybe a few weeks before I actually do start to want to get moving again. Maybe it'll just be driving to our lovely neighborhood dead Mall and power walking with the blue hairs? Every little bit counts I guess.

So once again, we'll see. And if Ozempic and I can skip our way, arm in arm, into the magically Wonderful Land of Fitness, having avoided encounters with any wicked creatures, awake and lively after decades in the drunken poppy fields, I guess like Dorothy I can truly then exclaim, "O" My!