299! Can You Believe It?

Well it's about time! The hills are alive with the sound of...my footsteps...a softer sound now, thank you very much!

I stepped on the scale this morning and I did the Gay Gasp!

Kathy Griffin mentions the "Gay Gasp" in one of her stand-up routines...she was doing a show for the troops in Afghanistan a couple years ago and as she was getting something to eat from the mess hall before the show, this soldier sees her and does this high-pitched gasp of surprise. So Kathy, without even turning around, smiled...she found her "gay". It may be "Don't Ask, Don't Tell", but the "Gay Gasp" will always give you away!

It read: 299.8

My scale displays your weight down to the tenths of a pound. But as you can see, I made it! Yes, by a mere 2/10 of a pound...but I don't "round up", baby! I'm takin' it for what I say it is: 299!

Now, yes, probably most people would not be thrilled to see 299 on their scale in the morning...it still means I have a LONG way to go, folks! But dare I suggest that I may have finally seen the last of the number 3 in the front of my weight?

Could I possibly be now able to step on a Publix scale? (Publix Supermarkets, the local chain here in Florida, puts these big, old-fashioned scales in the front lobby area of their stores. I don't know why...you'd think they don't want you to fret about your weight so you can just freely buy food to your heart's content. It might be because they want you to buy "diet" food since it tends to be higher priced, and, maybe, higher profit margin. I'm too jaded to think they put them there as a public service.)

I haven't been in the 200's since 2006.

I attempted a weight loss program that summer that was successful for only 2 weeks. After one visit to Universal with Ric during which I downed about 15 beers, BBQ chicken and ribs, hotdogs and french fries and funnel cake, I gave up on that diet. My problem was I was cutting calories down too low, so that by the time I let myself "cheat" at the theme park, I turned a little "cheat" into an all out glutton-fest!

I tried again about a year ago, but again, I was shooting for the "quickie" solution. This time I thought it was a good idea to jump start a healthier me by initiating the "Master Cleanse" plan. That is: no food. Just some nasty lemonade made with maple syrup and cayenne powder. Um...that failed within the first day, of course!

I hadn't known my weight during much of this time since the home scale I had wouldn't display anything above 300. I think it was sometime early in 2007 that it surpassed it's limit and displayed up to 310 or so for the last time. Each time afterwards, it was just ERR...so that meant I was above 310...it's absolute limit. When I went to the doctor for my first checkup in about 15 years in August, I was unhappy about the doctor's scale results, but not too overly surprised: 325.

Despite the doctor diagnosing me with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and later even onset diabetes, I didn't "get it" and continued to eat, and drink, with abandon.

During a later visit to the doctor's in December, my weight was up to 326.

But the a-fib incident in December and me landing in the hospital turned that attitude around. Nothing like the fear of death to get you motivated.

So I use Fitday.com religiously now, eat lots of salads, smaller portions and low-carb, low-fat foods. I need to workout more and I'm still trying to establish that as a habit. And the beer? Well, it has been reduced. I still partake, especially when around Ric on the weekends, but I am consciously trying to reduce the quantity and frequency. It's gettin' there.

Funny, I posted yesterday about my unused MySpace page. I think I'll convert that into my Gettin' Healthy site. I already did some major improvements to it since yesterday...check it out: www.myspace.com/cozmorio

I got a long journey ahead of me, but today I am twirling in the Alpine breeze, singing with joy! Look out, Julie! I'm frolicking in that mountainside meadow right with ya!