My Miracle Weight Loss Plan

Apparently I've discovered the secret to painless and effortless weight loss. It's less stressed, don't work in a call center and get off unemployment.

I hadn't stepped on a scale in a couple months and the last weight I remember being at was around 318. Well lo and behold I hit the scale the day before yesterday and it said 300! Imagine my surprise!

I haven't done much in the way, that I remember, in reducing my food intake drastically or increasing my exercise, but I guess little steps add up. After all, I'm no longer lolly-dogging around my house unemployed and depressed, eating and drinking out of boredom, nor am I sitting on my fat ass all day eating fast food lunches in a call center.

I don't do a lot of physical activity at this new job, but I don't sit on my butt all shift either. We're up and about doing rounds or giving out meds or doing simple cleaning. The campus isn't huge but it's more than a couple of acres and getting around it used to make me quite winded in the beginning. Now I'm able to walk it without any heavy breathing at all.

I'm drinking a lot of Diet Coke and not snacking much. Been buying healthier food since I have a good income and I'm not broke anymore, allowing me to spend on the higher cost of better quality foodstuffs.

My new home has a full kitchen encouraging me to cook and not buy so much ready-to-eat junk.

It all adds up.

So now I'm on a mission to drill down into the 200's again (for the first time in 2 years), and stay there, by my birthday. I'm shooting for a stable 295 by April 9th.
  • Eat better and less often.
  • Get off your fat ass and move.
Wow, what a discovery, huh?!

Alright, I'll admit it. I knew the "secret" to weight loss all along. We all do, don't we?

It's the will to just do those two simple steps that's the hard part.