Siege Survival


The title of this post and the accompanying picture refer to one of my video games I bought on sale a while back that I happened to install a few weeks ago, it really has very little to do with the subject of this post.

The main reason I mention it is because after compiling the documents I need that pertain to the actual subject of this post, I put it in a folder on my Windows desktop and slid that folder over to the next spot in line in the array of icons lined up on the left side of my primary monitor. I noticed that the folder snapped directly under the icon for this recently installed game. What's more, the term "siege survival" is pretty representative of how I feel regarding the subject of this post, namely, my constant defense against these asshole plaintiffs in these lawsuits against me. This time, it's Portfolio Recovery Associates.

Once upon a time, during what seems like another lifetime now, yours truly had pretty good credit and many amply fortified credit cards in his wallet. And so that went for quite a while until that dickhead at Lakewood fired my ass (oh he's gone by the way, I don't know what happened there, but it doesn't matter, that's another story). As you may remember, this caught me off guard and before long I was living on credit cards. Because I had quite a few credit cards and my debt prior to being terminated was quite low and manageable, I got by for quite a while begging from Peter to pay Paul, bouncing cash advances and balance transfers to and fro while still maintaining relatively low fees and interest until I'd assumedly get new employment and make good on the new debt.

But then Along Came Veruca. And with her golden egg room tirade came V-Day and the Battlestar Galactica worthy Nuke-A-Thon. 

Poof went the idea of getting a job and paying back these cards. They were left to wither and die in their own melted plastic nuclear winter.

Fast forward a couple of years, new phone numbers and an entire relocation and lo and behold most of those credit cards and their hired lackeys or debt buyers pretty much gave up on me.

But for a stalwart few, going home for them wasn't an option. They were in it for the long haul, so like a medieval army assembled at the walls of my "castle of indifference" to their demands, they built complicated trebuchets and siege engines in the form of lawsuits against me.

One was settled pretty quickly and easily.

Another, a mighty power indeed, was able to defeat my outer defenses since in the end I let my defenses down. They continue with their siege to gain access to my keep, but so far I've been fortunate to keep them at bay.

But then there's this last one, which according to the history of their actions against me, it looked like they were either incredibly lazy or incredibly incompetent. To this day I'm not sure which. But, as of this day, their trebuchets have been positioned at the ready for their final surge.

All right enough of this castle siege metaphor, it's PRA having acquired my debt to Walmart Mastercard / Synchrony Bank being perhaps erroneously awarded their day in court coming up this Thursday.

Why do I say "perhaps erroneously?" Do I have reason to believe they're pulling a fast one on me and the county court?

Portfolio Recovery Associates, aka PRA, has long been known as one of the most grab happy of debt buyers in the country. By some accounts, they're the largest debt buyer company. And they've had a long history of shady practices when trying to collect on their debts.

I want to make a long story short here because I have a feeling there's going to be more posting to this blog regarding this particular action. Suffice it to say for now I may have evidence of wrongdoing on their part in regards to this and I'm strongly considering actually attending the hearing via Microsoft Teams on Thursday morning. Will it get me a dismissal? Will it give me a bargaining chip if they are awarded the judgment? Or am I playing into their hands and giving them too much attention and information?

Not sure at this juncture how I'm going to handle all of this. But to hop back into the metaphor for a second, I sure would love to be on my ramparts pouring boiling oil on them as they haplessly try to scale my fortress walls.