My Return As A Ringy Dingbat

Over the past couple months, what with the Census job never actually materializing, I decided to lazily toss around a couple of digital resumes here and there through 

I was contacted by one human services agency in nearby, but even more remote, Wahchula. They were offering a direct care position but this was at the beginning of the summer when the Covid shit was starting to literally heat up and they were paying a measly $9.50 an hour. And of course they were in Wahchula, out on a skinny one-lane-each-way terror road through total back country from here. I noped out on that one. 

The only other reply was last month from a customer service company offering a rep position. They left a voice mail requesting I get back to them to set up an interview. I pretty much ignored it but then they called back three more times throughout September. Remembering my budget outlook as detailed here, I decided that once again, Paris may well be worth a Mass.

I start training on the 19th which will effectively end this longest stretch of unemployment in my entire adult life. A smidge more than two and a half years.

How do I feel about not only going back to work but doing so in the contentious call center field? Well, I definitely feel good about the prospect of income again. Won't be as much as my last job but with my expenses here in Sebring being what they are, I don't really need that much. I should easily be able to bank about half my monthly income. (But with savings account interest rates lower than ever, I may decide to invest it in ways that may provide a much better return...I can handle the risk.) 

Do I look forward to all the BS of working in a call center again, though? Er, no. But you know, I think I've mellowed out in that regards greatly from in years past. Not having to depend on the job is a big factor. If I decide to say "fuck it" and resurrect my good ol' habit of embarqing, then so be it. I'd just be back to where I am now, still having years to go before the money starts to dwindle to perilous amounts. Having that peace of mind and ultimate control is satisfyingly empowering and, I think, can help to retain me in the position since during difficult times I can always remind myself I can bow out anytime I want.

Of course, what I probably feel best about is the fact that after so many years, I'll finally be able to post here another of my infamous New Job Roasts! With employees likely comprising a composite of your average Highlands County residents (i.e. 21st Century Hee Haw) this should be delicious. I promise to try and write this up even if that ol' Almond Joy calls my name before Halloween.