The Most Hated Man On YouTube?


One of my YouTube Quirkymen, Sarasota Tim, has rapidly become one of the most ridiculed and parodied vloggers on YouTube over the past few months or so.

I started watching this guy, before his rise to infamy, back about 2 years ago since he was retired, advocated getting Social Security as soon as it was available, and living a nomad like life out of a camper. I agree with his philosophy of grabbing Social Security as soon as you can and admired his Spartan lifestyle living out of a small wolf pup camper parked in a beautiful rented space right on the water in Boynton Beach. 

Not Sarasota? Why is he called Sarasota Tim? Well he explains all of that and if you go back to videos even before I started watching him, he indeed started his channel when he was living in Sarasota. Rather than change his channel's name, he just left it as Sarasota Tim. Lazy way of handling it. And that's the rub. 

He does everything a little bit half-assed and takes the easy way out. And that's why people hate him. He's quite the narcissist and thinks that he has played the fiddle of The Game of Life perfectly and is set up in one of the better situations one could hope for in his mid 60s. He gets snarky about this, thinking people that worked all their life with their nose to the grindstone, people that bought into the so-called  "American Dream" buying a house with a mortgage, holding together a lot of debt and working in a job that they may not have liked to do for years and years in order to maintain their lifestyle, and especially those that forgo the initial opportunity to retire at 62 and continue to work until full retirement age; he sees these people as doing it wrong. Well those people are the majority of people, we know that. And they hate him telling them that they're wrong, so they're coming out the woodwork to try to ram it down his throat that in fact they think he is the one that is wrong. 

There are parody channels, commentary channels, and just plain-out trolls galore haunting this dude. 

Now I'm not going to say Sarasota Tim doesn't deserve it. If you put yourself out on YouTube, especially in the volume that he does, something like about 5 to 6 videos a day, you're going to get trolls. It's a fact of YouTube life. But man, they really have it out for him. 

He's a preachy kind of prick who is all smiley and fake friendly in such a way that you know it's all sizzle salesmanship. He says he was a salesman all his career life and it shows. His trolls say he was selling door to door discount coupon books but I haven't heard him actually say that in any of his videos. He just talks about his main career was in sales, both car sales and his private business where he was selling opportunities in the car care business. I guess that's the coupon book part. If you ask me, he reminds me of every telemarketer I've ever bumped into, so I'm thinking a big part of his "prison job" life was working the phones. 

Maybe I see a little bit of myself in him. I like to think of myself as having shrugged off all of that douchebag salesy attitude but oh man was I very much like that when I was younger. I was very full of myself. And as far as the way he's conducting his life now, living off Social Security, trying to keep expenses reasonable, and carousing around the country in his RV, well I wouldn't mind that for myself frankly. 

His trolls and I do have one thing in common though. We're all waiting for the bonfire of the vanities. As with all narcissists, especially those on YouTube or otherwise visible to the general population, it becomes a waiting game and a voyeuristic pastime to keep watching in sheer amazement at how long the narcissistic games will last. We all know it'll come crashing down on him eventually. Until then, I'll be viewing from the sidelines, popcorn bucket at hand.