My Quirkyman Vloggers

Here's the first of the lineup featuring my frequently watched subscribed to channels on YouTube. This guy is pretty representative of the type of vlogger I tend to view often. Loner, older, usually retired, and definitely quirky. His channel is called affordable desert living and he details his life living out in the desert far from any town in rural Arizona in a shack, totally-off grid. He's probably nearing his 80s, has a few health issues, and gets medical treatment in Mexico, so I expect sometime soon we'll see the lack of more posts indicating he's become a skeleton in his little shack in the desert.

Here's Anna. She lives in a mobile home in New Jersey. For the better part of last year, she was fixing to sell the mobile home and move down to Florida. A month ago, it appeared her home sold, she moved to Florida, only to find out the buyers backed out so her mobile home in New Jersey hadn't sold and the fact that her brother probably set her up as a live-in caretaker for her elderly mom and aunt in decidedly sketchy conditions made her hightail it back to New Jersey with just the clothes on her back. Oh, and she frequently has tizzy fits and rants indicating likely high blood pressure and she'll probably off herself soon. Yeah apparently, I like watching the morbidly near death folks.

Becky's vlogs focus on work at home opportunities, or should I say, pretend to work at home scammertunities. She's one of the ones that got me into Liveops and Arise and I guess I should thank her for all the wasted time and frustration that that whole business put me through over the past couple years. She lives in a shamble ghetto apartment in rural Texas with her special needs brother and jumps from At Home CSR job to At Home CSR job at the drop of a hat. I figure her real income is probably Disability either her own or her brothers and a little bit from YouTube.

I mentioned Billy John before along with several of the other IP2 vloggers that I follow over the years, especially when Andy Dick is involved. Billy John lives in a converted fleabag hotel in Hollywood, living on selling weed and the YouTube videos he posts as well as occasional live streams and the donors he gets. He's probably the most exploitative of Andy Dick basically treating him like a little monkey waving a bottle of vodka at him to make him do some tricks like look like a fallen, wayward former TV and movie star on a deathly spiral.

Campervan Kevin, not only a loner but one of the many nomads I watch as well, fits into a sub niche I tend to gravitate towards, namely the Born Again weirdos who most likely would totally hate me. The feeling is kind of mutual as again, this guy is so opinionated and phony and lives out in the wild with his crazy ideas and poor health, I'm just waiting for him to die. Apparently I'm not the only one. Like the gal I'll talk about next, there are plenty of trolls who make critical videos exposing the dark underbelly of people like Kevin who use YouTube as an easy ebegging option. Frankly, I have no problem with the ebegging issue. If I wasn't so lazy I'd do it too.

Carolyn's RV Life is probably one of the first nomads I started following when the trend started to get big on YouTube a few years ago. Another hermit, and of course, batshit crazy, this one's a bit different in that she isn't MAGA Trump crazy, she's the opposite exposing her far left views frequently. So her trolls really whale into her, of course. She's another one that's gotten progressively weirder and weirder as she's been on the road over the years continually making the same mistakes over and over again like she has memory problems. Oh, and I've seen hints in videos here and there that she probably is on the meth pipe.

Hey, what do you know, a normy! Well kinda. His is the type of vlog I used to watch more frequently a few years ago, a young gay guy having a gay old time at Central Florida theme parks. This guy actually works at Disney on that Exchange program they have at Epcot. He kind of fits into the category of the others only in the fact that though not a loner, and not yet bitter, I see him gravitating that way in a few decades. His looks will fade, he'll get fat, his faghag girl posse will leave him, and he'll be living in a proverbial van down by the river before you know it. Of course it'll probably be the year 2065.

I may have posted about Debrajoy before. Another van dweller loner who opted to trade in her van for a rickety mobile home which because it's in Oceanside, California likely cost her an arm and a leg and she's no doubt throwing her entire social security check at her no doubt outrageous monthly lot fee. She's a total wackadoodle. She's also one of the least consistent YouTubers occasionally fading out for many months at a time which, again, due to her age and frailty make you wonder if she's gone to that big video streaming platform in the sky.

This guy actually lives in a house, but I doxed him of course, not to anyone, I learned my lesson there, but I know where he lives. And the place is a little rundown shack in tiny town Alabama. This guy focuses on simple living, frugal activities, being a southern gentleman and neighbor, and cooking Depression era meals. Yet another look into my near future? Just living day to day in my little tiny run downhome, clutching on to the last few dollars and doting over my mangey kitty cats. Who am I kidding. I'm there already. Minus the cats of course. I'm no slave owner.

Not quite old yet, I'd say Gilbert here is still in his fifties, but let's turn up that quirky amplifier to number 11. This guy, most likely Aspy, definitely Tourette's, and even though married is likely a true loner at heart, has one lifetime ambition: to vlog every waking moment. And he's been doing this since the freaking '80s! And he has the video to prove it. His channel is not only current vlogs but a plethora of old VHS clips spanning many decades of his rather lonesome, simple, financially-struggling and most definitely quirky entire adult life.

Here's another guy I've been watching for years. He started as a nomad living in a pop-up camper. That was torched by a crazy arsonist while camping in Florida. Then he built his own truck camper that looked like a treehouse on the back of a pickup truck and lived in that for a while until he bought a strip of land in rural Missouri and built a probably 180 sq. ft. shack. Oh, but he's not alone. He lives with his wife who we never see because she has mental issues and doesn't want to be seen on camera. He fails to mention, though it's pretty obvious by his rambling videos and clickbait thumbnails, that he's just as crazy as his wife.

Ah Nomadic Fanatic. What can I say? Been watching him for many years too. Eric is another one of these nomad vloggers that constantly have issues with their rig, buy shit to fix the issues, the issues reassert themselves, and he buys the same shit again, and the issues happen again. I think in reality the companies that put out the shitty products that they keep rebuying pay him and others like him to keep posting videos about their supposedly recent purchase but then something has to happen to the purchase for them to need to make another video to make more coin. This guy is the king of ebeggars.

Well here's the king of quirkymen. This guy is hard to describe. His channel probably has close to 10,000 videos by now. Common themes are: Screwing with border patrol and other police, living in poverty in rural Arizona, and sticking some 10 to 15 GoPros all over his car and videoing exciting material such as driving through his local fast food restaurants. Oh, he also does weird montage videos narrated by himself reciting his self-written poetry which is beyond out there in quirkiness filled with nods to quotes and events that mean nothing to anyone but him. Oh, and there's a bunch of videos of him playing ping pong, I guess on the amateur circuit, over the years.

This will be the guy that probably drops off first of all of the others. He's likely the oldest clocking in probably around 80ish or so. Does he check all the usual boxes? Hermit? Yep. Nomad? Yep. Poor? Probably. Certainly lives like it. But what about the most important checkbox? Is he quirky? Oh yeah. His videos don't hide the fact he sometimes comes across really nice and laid back and on a flip of a dime he'll expose his get off my lawn old curmudgeon attitude. His viewpoints are a bit of a mystery. He comes across like a total Trump head but he seems to espouse progressive ideas so I don't know.

I've grown to really dislike this guy. Like a few others that have been pretty much on this list over the years and have been unsubbed because I just couldn't take their crazy asses anymore, this guy is on the brink. Started as a loner, hooked up with his old hag of a girlfriend and traveled around with her in his truck and camper set up, they broke up, no big surprise because this guy seems like a total douchebag, and now he Rambles on about Jesus and retiring early and his free as a bird lifestyle. Other than a little eye issue is apparently healthy, though believe me, he's milking this eye illness for all the sympathy coin he can, he'll likely be living come this November to vote for you know who.

It's The Trooper! Arguably, out of this whole list, probably been watching this dude the most over the years so in the past few years since he's hooked up with a girlfriend he's not in the same category anymore of total loaner and seems to have lost quite a bit of his quirkiness like living in a one-room apartment with his clothes piled in the middle of the floor since he feels it's a waste of time to put them away. Plus it used to be his vlogs were about poker and now they're just plain old slice of life videos but without the quirkiness, who wants to watch that? He's not young enough or gay enough to be appealing on that level so like Sarasota Tim above, The Trooper is likely to be dropped pretty soon.

There are a few omissions here, notably T2 Darlantan and Jimi the Hobo. They certainly fit the bill in all the quirkyman categories I mentioned above, but it's because I post about them on their own enough. I also have a few that I just started watching so they're still in the freshmen stage of quirkymen destined to make it to another post in the future. If they last, that is.