Mumbles Is Dead


So of course as I've mentioned, I'm ever vigilant in taking a peek at the Highlands County Court website on a regular basis in order to see how my lovely lawsuits are doing.

Other than the two summary judgments awarded to Bank of America, there's only that other quasi summary judgment with the Synchrony, now PRA account, still legally kicking. But ever since that Zoom hearing, there hasn't been any movement on the part of the plaintiff towards actually submitting the motion they seem to be awarded.

Now this court is pretty incompetent and slow as molasses. But I had a feeling that the holdup might be for another reason, namely, the plaintiff's attorney.

According to the court documents, the plaintiff's attorney appears to be some dude in the direct employ of the plaintiff, Portfolio Recovery Associates out of their corporate office in Norfolk, Virginia. But I guess for diddly squat cases like mine occurring in "wart on a pig's ass Hick County Deep South Florida," they hire a local, (read cheap), attorney to attend these things. This is why that skinny black dude drooling into a face cloth and mumbling his way through his testimony was the one who attended my Zoom hearing.

At the time, as I wrote, I thought he may have just underwent some dental work which explained the drooling and his verbal incomprehensibility. But shortly after the hearing I went and I looked him up and I saw a portrait similar to the header one posted above and I put two and two together that his appearance suggested something a bit more than getting a tooth pulled. As you can see between the two images, this dude lost about a hundred pounds and it looked like he aged 20 years or more. I couldn't find anything on the web corroborating my suspicion that this guy had cancer or something when I first looked him up, but when I did my vigilant check this week, I thought I'd check in on him again.

Sure enough, here's his obituary. This dude was still hard at work dressed in a suit and tie suffering with terminal "illness," as it states in his obit, likely cancer, attending my little Zoom hearing when he should have been spending time with his loved ones since, as it turns out, he had less than a month to live.

Rest in peace, Mr. Aaron, I'm sure you were a good guy. Unfortunately, you decided to become a representative of the Evil PRA Corporation, so I'll not shed much of a tear. Makes me wonder though, if PRA is going to hire somebody else to initiate the next steps with the court, or is this going to be one of those odd circumstances where a big company like PRA forgets about little old me and my case ends up, like Mumbles, pushin' up daisies?