Back To The Boomer, Baltar, Boxy Binge


So this is like maybe my fourth or fifth run through, but we all know, I could go through this series double digit times and still be enthralled by it. Of course I'm talking about Battlestar Galactica. Not the 70s Show or movies, but the Ronald D. Moore masterpiece from 20 years ago. 

I wrote about one of my binges watching this, back in the Netflix DVD days while the show was still running in its last season or so. As I alluded to in that post, those DVDs were awesome in that they included some of the best commentary ever mainly from Ronald D. Moore himself. But we live in the age of streaming so I'm not about to go in hunt down or even, gasp, purchase any DVD sets anytime soon, so it's just straight watching now. I'm pretty sure I streamed this back when the entire series was on Netflix and I streamed at least one prior time to the present on Amazon Prime. Now I have the Amazon Prime cheapo version where I get ads but frankly that just makes it seem a little bit more like the original Syfy Network run which certainly came with commercials interspersed throughout.

Oddly, this yearning to watch this show again came from a totally arbitrary suggestion on my Amazon Prime homepage, likely due to the fact that according to Reddit they're running it for the first time in a while again. Like I said, it showed that I had last watched the series on Amazon Prime but I have no idea how many years ago that might have been. I say oddly because of course you would think, what with the previous post, that I would have been thinking of sentient robots lately. It's just a coincidence that I am. Or, is it? I mean, Alexa hears everything I say, Google records everything I search for, YouTube catalogs every video I watch. It's like a real world reality that Cylon overlords are certainly a thing. Even this blog is owned by Google. Who's to say who controls what I think or do? Am I my own master or should I get in the practice of saying the phrase "by your command?"

The alliterative title of this post refers to two characters that are extremely different from their original version in the 1978 series (Boomer 78 a Black man and Boomer 2004 an Asian woman, Baltar 78 a middle-aged greedy and bombastically evil bald-faced traitor and Baltar 2004 a 30-something English-accented misguided genius horndog) and one (Boxy) that in the 2004 show is pretty much just a one-episode Easter egg nod but otherwise spitting image similar, Dutchboy haircut and all, to his original 78 version, albeit without his robo-pet Muffit.