How Far Have I Come?


So some sobering facts about my journey to getting healthier, pinning my hopes on the Miracle of Ozempic. I'd be lying if I were going to say it's a total wonder drug. At least not for me. Sure I've lost weight, about 12 or so pounds over the past month or so, but has it been because I've had no appetite? I can't say that. I'd say there are some effects from the Ozempic but in looking back to when I started with Jardiance I'd say that was a more powerful drug in how it affected me right away. I'm at the point with both of them now that I think my body is starting to say "Hey...wait a minute!" This goes for drinking as well. The cravings are muted. The taste and immediate effects of alcohol have been changed for the negative. But as I can attest from experience a few days back, drinking enough beer, especially if it's Elysian Space Dust IPA, will still get me fucked up. Perhaps the urge to do this is more habitual than physical, but in the end when you're looking at 12 empty bottles of beer through the veil of a hangover fog, does it really matter?

I'm looking forward to a little vacation in less than a week from now. Don't worry, I'll have a full TRAVELOGUE post about it. Not wanting to spill the beans about where I'm going just yet, but suffice it to say my itinerary, as I've been known to do in the past, is quite tightly packed. And with quite a bit of walking. At least that's the plan. So in preparation, I glanced back at the TRAVELOGUE posts I wrote after my Grand Northeast Tour in 2013 and though, like I remembered, I had indeed a jam-packed schedule full of massive walking throughout, I was eating and drinking in general much more than I am now. In fact, I look back at that year and my weight loss efforts while undergoing the internal struggles with binge eating and drinking, and I'm amazed by the quantities that I talk about and record in this post from 4 years later (2017).

My current weight is in the upper 280s, and according to the record, from back in 2013, I was in the low 270s when I did all that walking across Providence, Boston, and New York City. I'm literally worried about walking just a few blocks now in my current condition even though I'm only about 15 pounds heavier or so. But I think the main factor is, back then I was working, and yes it was Lakewood so it was pretty sedentary, but it did have a little bit of walking factored in each day as we did our rounds a couple times each shift. And what's more back then, I was utilizing the fitness center doing my stationary bike exercises on a regular basis.

So wish me luck. I think I'm going to need it. Again, not to give too many spoilers, but let's just say some of my plans may be impacted by the fracas regarding the federal budget going on right now with our politicians which may mean I'll be doing a little more walking then originally planned in one of my locations. My second location may also include a bit of walking, as I think it might be easier to get from attraction to attraction but I'll just say this, if I stay on one of the planned subway routes a little too long and get out at a certain stop, I may have to walk while totally bending over with my head below my knees to fit in with the crowd. I know this makes no fucking sense to you, but it's hilarious and you'll see what I mean next week when I reveal my destination.

All right, I'll give you a little hint. I may be referencing something related to this post from about a week ago. Believe it or not, it was this post that inspired me to plan this little trip. Not to visit that actual location, but to check the box on this city which I've not yet been to (other than driving on I-95 through it in 1997).

And thinking about these poor souls captured on that ever-present webcam, at least I'm not looking from their vantage point back at a decade of out of the frying pan and into the fire, so to speak. My ten years are more like time hasn't changed a thing at all, when it's all said and done.