Day 1530: 15 Pounds

As I mentioned in the last post. I've started to get serious again about weight loss. I don't think I'll be as concerned as I was in 2013, the last time I lost a good chunk of pounds, about posting my progress, Dear Diary style here on this blog like I did then. The title of this post alludes to those days. It's actually a loose estimate of the number of days since the start of that "diet" to the present. And if we take the starting weight on that first day as 305, then right now I am down by 15 pounds.

15 pounds net loss over the course of 4 years and 10 weeks. Hmmm. Ya.

If we were to use those 2013 accounting methods though, this go-round really starts at 321, my weight up to a couple months ago, maybe? It was 308 when I seriously began this new initiative on May 10th. Now it's 290. So I'm actually either down 31 pounds or 18 depending on what's considered "starting weight." High weight in recent times or high weight on April 10?

I kinda don't care.

Yes, I believe in measurements to gauge the way I'm going and I've started tracking on My Fitness Pal again to manage my calories and eating (and/or drinking) habits. Need to in my opinion. Unlike the advise of kooks, idiots, the gullible or out right charlatans, weight loss is all about calories in, calories out. Period.

Tracking is also great for simply having a record of actions so future readers of the record will be able to learn from the data. With that in mind, I decided to jot down a timeline of my eating/drinking back in 2013 to see if I can learn from mistakes, get ideas from successes, and generally get a sense of scale of this journey I embark yet again on. I know it's not going to be easy. I know it's not going to be quick. But by studying what I've done in the past and applying that knowledge to the present, I think that can only help me to this time get closer to my goals.

Here's a rundown of those recorded months according to what I logged on MFP. I don't include every day of data, just the "noteworthy" ones. Nevertheless, it's long so grab a comfy chair...

Friday 4/12-1st day recorded on MFP

Target goal: Maximum of 1660 calories a day.

Wednesday 4/24-1st exercise recorded mfp, earned 380 extra cal

Saturday 4/27-1st recorded PB spoon (1/2 serving=1 tbsp)

Thursday 5/2-1st recorded over-budget of calorie goal: 1806 with goal of 1660 for total of 146 cal over. Looks like culprit is a near bottom of list (so likely, shortly before bedtime) French bread pizza (only one piece at least but still: 460 cal) Was FBP in freezer since before start of diet?

Saturday 5/4-1st slip. 6-pack of Henry Weinhard's IPA for 1134 cal. It looks like I either tried to eat very light in order to accommodate this into the calorie budget since it does fit...I stay under 1660 budget by 70 calories. Or, was the slip due to a feeling of intense hunger and deprivation brought on by the super low cal breakfast/lunch consisting of salad with Tuscan and 1 hard boiled egg along with homemade lean chicken soup (total 467 cal)?

Sunday 5/5- Over budget again. No alch. but includes not only a full package of Bertolli Shrimp and Asparagus Penne (860 cal) but a McDonald's Angus Deluxe Meal (1260 cal). Early on list, so before work Bertolli's and work lunch McD's? Total 2239 for day = 579 over budget.

Monday 5/6-Seem "back on track" with day off tofu stir fry (yuck) salad and light pasta dinner. Total 818 cal for day (842 under budget)

Thursday 5/9-Had sausage egg McMuffin on way home from work but it fit well in budget

Saturday 5/18-2nd slip. Bud Light Platinum 6-pack. Fit in calorie budget comfortably.

Sunday 5/19-But like the prior Sat/Sun slip and binge, had about 3 helpings of homemade spaghetti in the "evening" for a budget bust of 164 over for the day.

Monday 5/20-Weekend day lunch? of a Subway 6" BMT and 2 Taco Bell tacos and a "suppertime" helping of 4 Gordon's battered fish fillets for a daily total of 1768...over by 108.

Wednesday 5/22-1st Monday night "Miller Time" slip? 6 Goose Island IPAs. Daily total: 2116, over by 456.

Saturday 5/25-Another Saturday Special. Good ol' 6 + oiler...Red Hook Long Hammer IPA and a Fosters. Way over budget this time by 961 calories not only 'cause of the beer but 3 turkey and mayo sandwiches.

Monday 5/27-Looks like I bought frozen dinners to help in portion control. Had a Marie Callendars Turkey w/stuffing dinner for lunch.

Wednesday 5/29-Beginning of my vacation. 6 of Bud Ice and a Sapporo Tallboy.

Thursday 5/30-Normal wake/sleep hours while on Northeast Tour vacation. One large Harpoon IPA with my Bertucci's restaurant pasta and salad at normal dinnertime in Rhode Island. Over by 674 but burned a few walking...

Friday 5/31-I remember I had been worried about the impact to the diet this day would bring since it was a definite must-do for my trip back to the homeland. Chan's. Number 4 lunch (Fried battered chicken in gravy, chop suey and pork fried rice). Need a large beef lo-mein with that. Big doggie bag, enough for dinner. Throw in 5 beers while settling down for the night back at the hotel that evening...huge 3872 calorie blow-out. 2135 over. And only a little walking today.

Saturday 6/1-Only had a 7-11 bought chicken ceasar wrap in Boston, but had half a medium pizza and more Harpoon IPA back at the Warwick Bertucci's in the evening. Earned 934 extra calories due to mad Boston walking so stayed under budget even at 2568 for the day.

Sunday 6/2-Other half pizza for 5:00 am breakfast, Soho health food eatery salad for lunch, afternoon small cold one at small Irish bar near Wall St. and a Nathans w/ fries at Penn Station food court. 2132 for the day, but with over 5 miles of walking what seemed like half the length of Manhattan, stayed under budget by 228.

Monday 6/3-More Bertucci's pizza for breakfast again. (How many pizzas did I buy?) and some Sam Adams at Green Airport. Once back home in Orlando, had my 6 weenies for a gut-busting 3199 for the day. The weenies alone were 2286!

Tuesday 6/4-Back to the usual grind albeit probably trying to make up for yesterday's weenie bust by taking in only 845 calories today.

Tuesday 6/11-Early on the list Goose Island 6 + oiler.
405 over with few food calories.

Friday 6/28-Cauliflower and rubbery soy-based crumbled "burger" stuffed peppers. I remember making these and while at first they seemed like a "tasty" low-cal alternative to normal stuffed peppers, I recall becoming very disgusted by them after a few times making them. Subtly, I started regretting the "unique" diet meals I was making and began to pine for good ol' bad food.

Wednesday 7/3-Hurst's garlic and herb lentils. Another of my bright ideas. Oh how I grew to hate this shit. And at 260 calories a cup, almost all carbs, it wasn't that great as a diet food anyway.

Friday 7/5-Cave in to dreams (or memories) of 4th of July cookout parties? BBQ chicken thighs and Miller Lite 6 with a Fosters kicker. First beer in a tad over 3 weeks. Over by 520. Actually, via the blog, looks like this was the night David walked out at work.

Monday 7/8-Pasta crazy day. And meat sauce made with those fake burger crumbs. Bleach. Shit taste and texture and it didn't help. Over by 1270 calories for the day.

Wednesday 7/10-Monday MT: Mic Ultra, but only 4, and an oiler. Oh, but a lot of Johnsonville Brats. Almost the whole package. 995 over for the day.

Sunday 7/14-Wrapping the work week up with a Friday night Weekends are made for Michelob cave in. First 12 pack since start. Corona Light. Ham sandwich fest too. 1042 over.

Monday 7/15- Jenni-O Turkey chili. Boca Burgers. Really. Was I trying to make "low cal" food disgusting on purpose?

Sat 7/20-12 pack Bud Light

Fri 7/26-6 Longhammers and Fosters oil. And spaghetti.

Sun 7/28-10 Mic Ultra Ambers (leaving 2 Indians?) and a Freshetta pizza. Yeah, the whole thing.

Mon 7/22-No mention of the Indians. Maybe they met their fate down the drain? Hangover carb fest! More Freshetta pizza and lots of spaghetti.

Tue 7/30-Fairly standard meal plan for much of the day, then, big helping of spaghetti before bedtime. have I stated giving up?

Wed 7/31-McD's for lunch. Help me, I'm falling.

Thu 8/1-Now 2 Checker's Big Bufords late on the list, so maybe before bed? Oh brother, will this binge never end?

Fri 8/2-Fuck it! Big bag of flavored potato chips, plate of spaghetti and 4 oilcans of Fosters. 1946 over. 8th day in a row over budget. "Sour Ground" post on the blog during this horrible week.

8/4-over 1086, mostly, believe it or not, hummus!

8/5-Take-out lo-mein and rice, more hummus, and 2 Corona Lights. The other 10 "fell down the drain" as posted about in the blog. Well, I guess those would have made this number worse so there's that, eh? 1813 over.

8/6-I'm trying to regain control. But with Hurst lentils, turkey chili and Boca burgers again. WTF!?

8/9-2 Sam Adams and an oilcan. oh, restraint! Hey, let's have some Doritos to celebrate self-control. Oh, and a shit ton of macaroni salad. 1950 over.

8/10-Oh there's the rest of those Sam Adams. Let's have some Taco Bell tacos too. Late nite snack time: PB&J sammies! 1245 over.

8/11-What? More Sam Adams!? Did I buy a 12 and pull from that all weekend? Daddy needs pasta! Bowls and bowls of pasta! Mamma mia! 1608 over.

8/12-Had a salad today. Yeah! And broccoli, and turkey chili, and V-8 juice. Great. Oh, but I couldn't resist grabbing 3 glazed donuts and an Almond Joy from 7-11. Gee, only 432 over.

8/15-Only fish and veggies for you! 855 cal. total. 805 under budget. That'll show you! Hmmm.

8/16-Needed to make up for that starvation day! Went to grab some nice German beer along with a Foster's oil but I didn't read the package was non-alcoholic Beck's! WTF! Drank 'em anyway. Had lots of Doritos with it and, hello, welcome to the party ol' pal Chef Boy-ar-dee ravioli. At least only one can. Still, 1561 over for the day. Oh, but it shows I actually exercized today, 242 cal worth. Now THIS is probably the last workout recorded.

8/17- Hey, a 12-pack of Icehouse will make up for that non-alchy mistake, eh? Sure! Oh and we can top them off with more of the fake Becks. Ate light today to try and fit the beer in. Almost made it. Only 517 over.

8/18-Diet-ageddon! A date that will live in calorie history! Pork chops, Big Mac, 12-pack Miller Lite, Digiorno Pepperoni Pizza...the whole pie, Stouffer's lasagna...the whole pan. And a bean salad. A whopping record 2708 over.

8/20- 8 more Miller Lites, another whole Digiorno pizza, some biscotti and, aw hell, let's top it all off with a 6 pack of Icehouse. 1233 over. I don't think I give a fuck any more...

8/21-Oh look, I didn't drink the whole Icehouse six-pack, there's one Indian left. Glug. Oh, and the Fosters oilcan kicker. Glug glug. But I'll keep the food down to just 4 homemade tacos. Oops, a whole box of biscotti got tangled up in there! Whew! Just made it at 19 under.

8/22-More biscotti! How many boxes of this shit did I buy? Oh, and another frozen pizza, 6-pack of ice beer and Fosters. I'm sensing a trend here. 1760 over.

8/23-Ugh. Another day of drinking making this an 8 day bender so far. Kona Longboard 6 and the ubiquitous Fosters oilcan kicker.  1661 over.

8/24-Finally, we dry out, no beer and only 3 line items on the day's menu. But 3 bad items. Five Krystals, an apple fritter and a boston creme donut. Stayed under by 110 nevertheless.

8/26-We need booze again. How 'bout wine this time? Sure. 1st wine since start of "diet." Gabbiano Chianti. The whole bottle of course. Hey, let's add a 6-pack of Beck's. With alchol this time. I checked twice! Nothing like some drunken stupor homemade chicken parmesan with spaghetti. Is it safe to boil and fry food after so much drinking? I don't know. I blacked all that shit out of course. Got no blisters. Didn't burn the apartment down so I guess it's okay. Packed on a healthy 2784 calories over budget today. Gaining weight is fun.

8/27- One menu item today. Quantity of 3 chicken parm and pasta dinners. 2100 calories. 440 over.

8/28- 4 oilcans of Fosters. Must of been on sale. 613 over.

8/29- Becks 6-pack and Fosters oil. More of that fucking garlic herb lentils. Cheetos and a Butterfingers candy bar to offset the taste of those lentils. 544 over.

8/30- Third Shift Amber Lager 6-pack, Fosters kicker and a large bag of Chung's Potstickers. 1196 over.

8/31-Wrapping up this wonderful month without drinking. But another big bag of those potstickers what looks like a lot of munching throughout the day. It's a Saturday but I have the feeling I was home "sick." 82 over.

9/1-New month, fresh start, right? Maybe I tried since the beginning of the day looks good with soup and a small sandwich followed by a couple low fat turkey burgers with salad. Oh but finishing with a big plate of spaghetti and Stouffers stuffed peppers. And one glass of Chianti. 160 over.

9/2-No Chianti? I have a feeling I may have dumped the rest of the bottle down the drain after that one glass yesterday. Still, more spaghetti and other foods added up to 505 over today.

The same pattern continues throughout the rest of the mfp diary. Beer, pasta, pizza, Chinese food, snacks. Many over budget days. Out of control drinking and eating. 9/18 is the last consecutively recorded day. The remainder of the month is posted sporadically.

The last day recorded for 2013 is 10/2. It shows one meal of 2 grilled links of Johnsonville brats, black beans and rice, 1 cup, and green beans. 840 calories. Maybe there was more that day. Maybe there was beer or wine. Nothing more was added. As far as the written history is concerned, the diet of 2013 was over.