Bye Bye Boo Boos!


Three Windbags Down

Well, it's official. The Boo Boos put their house up for sale and moved out.

Now of course, I jokingly called them the Boo Boos based on their stunning likeness to the appearance of the above pictured Honey Boo Boo. They're a mid-fifties mother and two daughters, one in her twenties, the other in her teens, who I've posted about many times here on this blog due to their rather outrageous escapades. All night parties fueled by God knows what kind of drugs and alcohol, bloody-murder-screaming tizzy fits between the three of them and various men they've had over, police being called to the residence on charges of child molestation and just all round Bad Neighbor Behavior. Now truth be told, they had seemed to chill out a bit over the past few months, perhaps over the past year. Mom's been suffering with some nasty ever-present cough and I'm pretty sure they all sat out on that screened in, black curtain shrouded porch and smoked like chimneys.

You can read about some of their antics here and here.

I'd always been curious as to what it looked like in their trailer and since it's up on their realtors website, it's like a virtual B&E:

Oh well. One bad neighbor down, one to go... Yes Mary, that means you. Tick tock tick tock. I'm dying to be able to relax on my screened in porch again.