Macro-Quantum Peggy Lee

Woke up this morning before the alarm. I was playing a mind puzzle: 

Since the observable universe gets wonky at scales in the realm of the Planck Length and beyond in terms of infinite regression due to quantum phenomena, we humans must be far closer in scale to the realm of the small than to the large simply by the fact of that observation. 

In the other direction, that is, from our relative scale to the realm of the huge such as planets, stars and their systems, star clusters, vast nebulae, galaxies, galaxy clusters, and so on out to the entirety of the known observable universe, our perception is only deterred by our technological instrumentation and, of course as so apparent on this scale, time itself. 

So I'm thinking that the corresponding wonkiness to that seen at the quantum level on this macro universe scale, assuming, of course, that physical reality itself is arranged in a typical mouth-to-anus configuration, proves multiverses must exist. How many? Who knows.

And then I had a cup or two of coffee, logged into my Zoom certification class and amusedly watched as Miss Iris started to visibly talk on screen while forgetting, yet again, to unmute herself.

And the day continued. Washed dishes, neglected the laundry, and took my newly-replenished EBT card grocery shopping. 

In the early evening now. Sink is empty. Hamper is still untouched. Fridge is full. The gentle sounds of light rain against the rumble of far-off, yet slowly approaching thunder breaking the silence. My morning coffee's been replaced by some nice cold Landsharks. I gaze at my dual-monitor desktop background images supplied by the new James Webb telescope, query up a familiar and beloved YouTube video and amusedly watch my gal Peggy: