It's BINT:30 Somewhere

Tick Tock, Tick Tock...Oh my, look at the ol' Alchy Clock. It's BINT:30. That's right, the thirtieth anniversary of the infamous Smashing Glass Incident of April 1992.

Find links here and here specifically about this, but find almost everywhere else either oblique references to it or reports of life events somehow linked to it. Heck, even my oft-reused password is a direct homage to this.

Living here in Florida for almost the same amount of time hasn't at all helped in keeping the flame alive in the sober-living spirit birthed that April evening. Heck (again), it's been down-right destructive to those lofty goals, like I've been on a near-thirty year summer vacation, neon sign and Jimmy Buffet anthem festooned. Perhaps fault that on this other noteworthy landmark life event.

How many more cycles 'round that dial will the ol' Alchy Clock make before I hear the bartender bark "Last Call!" one final time? Dunno. Meanwhile, let's enjoy a lil' more liquid sunshine while we waste away you know where.