Walled In

As predicted, I'm feelin' the burn on the last two-ish viable accounts left on the Operation Veruca Duck Shoot.

Twice today, charges to top off the amount still available on the Fairwinds credit card were rejected, first "embarrassingly" at Winn-Dixie at the checkout (I say embarrassingly since I guess most people would feel embarrassed if their credit card was declined at the grocery store checkout with people judging behind you, but not me, I don't give a fuck, I just used another card. And besides...it's fuckin' Winn-Dixie.). The second time was when I tried to buy a $500 Lowe's gift card. House or van, Lowe's will come in handy soon, don't you know.

The other shoe dropped today when I got an email from American Express. They lowered my credit limit across all accounts (both AMEX Blue and Gold) to just $1,000. I had a solid $15,000 credit limit on Blue and unlimited on Gold. Of course all this comes as no surprise. I knew the algorithms would kick in. And now they have. I'm closing the gold card out tomorrow so essentially I'll be down to just one valid credit card...an AMEX Blue with a measly one grand limit. And it may well soon be closed on me altogether despite making payments as a result of the collapse of the others.

And the timing of all this is so apropos. About a year ago, I posted about my long and winding struggle to get my credit up and I announced proudly I had finally done it. My credit score was, as of late February of 2018 at its highest, reported by one of the bureaus as high as 818.

But that was then. This is now:

And I'm not even 30 days past due yet with any of them (well, except Wells Fargo maybe) so what will the score be when they all start to balk?

Ah well, the ride was fun while it lasted, eh? I knew it couldn't last forever. I think I grabbed enough though. And soon I'll literally, not metaphorically, ride into the sunset, and my little bank robbing career will come to an end.

Where's all the protective redaction you say? Fuck 'um. Or maybe I'm a masochist? You decide. I'm ready for my van down by the river. Maybe the Rio Grande river? You know...the south side...Mexico. I better hurry before the Idiot-in-Chief puts up his wall. Who would have thought it could be used to trap Americans in? Wait a minute...maybe he did?