The Long And Winding Road

We've come a long way, baby!

Since that first McCarthy's Department Store credit card way back in 1984, I've struggled long and hard with the trials and tribulations of credit. My role-models, namely my parents, were not the best to emulate in this regards. To my knowledge, they never really EVER got where I'm at now. Well, they never really tried, did they? And to get "here" you do indeed have to try. No, actually, in the words of Yoda: "Do or do not. There is no try!" And so I finally DID.

The road to here has been arduous and strewn with potholes:

1985: "Too New" Syndrome

1986: Bank Loan In-Person Application Rejection - News of the Challenger Disaster while at bank

1986: Student Loan Default

1986: 1st Great Credit Crisis 

1988: SUED: Sears, Roebuck and Company vs. Me

1988: Summer of "Don't Worry, Be Happy"

1989: IRS Refund Lien in Perpetuity Due to Student Loan Default

1990: The AMEX Debt Collector Douchebag

1990: Fired from Amego/1st Time Apartment Lease Break (Kent Farm Village)/Black Winter

1991: Return Cavalier Near Dealership Breaking Lease

1991: Grove Street Car Accident/No Insurance, No Financial Security/SUED: Idiot Driver vs. Me

1992: Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

1993: Slowly Rebuilding Credit with Signet Bank Secured VISA

1993: Mom Finances the Geo Metro, I Make the Payments

1994: GMAC Car Loan becomes Mine via Showing Full Year of Payments

1995: Signet Bank, Now Called Capital One, Becomes a Real Credit Card.

1996: Low Income, Full Rent Causes New Financial Crunch/Break Apartment Lease #2 (Dan)

1997: 1st DUI: State of Florida (Indian River County) vs. Me

1997: Move to Florida/Vacation Attitude/3rd Apartment Lease Break (Lakeside South)

1997: SUED IN ABSENTIA: City of Woonsocket Tax Assessor vs. Me

1998: Capital One Card in Collections/4th Apartment Lease Break (Altamonte Condo)/New London Syndrome

1998 SUED IN ABSENTIA: Blackstone Valley Gas Company vs. Me

1998: Altered Licence Tag Arrest and Fines/First Late GMAC Payment with Just 3 'Till Payoff

1998: Able to Finally Payoff Geo Metro/Full Time Management/Move In with Ric

1999: Direct Merchants "Sunny Beach" and New Ford Focus

2000: DM Firing but Quick SHIP Pickup/The Halcyon Days of 3 Passes

2001: Groomed for Possible SHIP Executive Position/Business Travel and Expense Accounts

2001: 2nd DUI: State of Florida (Orange County) vs. Me

2002: Rapid Debt Increase from DUI costs/Revoked Drivers Licence/The SHIP Has Sailed

2002: The September 16 Decision/Proto-Koyo/Burn WAMU Checking #1

2003: 5th Apartment Lease Break (Park Central)/Abandon The Focus/ Burn BOA Checking/Koyo Begins

2003: 6th Apartment Lease Break (Reflections)/Escape to NOLA/Burn WAMU Checking #2

2003: 7th Rental Lease Break (Sandra #1)/Back to Florida, Ric and the Drama/Last Resort Roomin' With Kid Chase/Oh Alchy Me/Kid Chase Boot/Back to NOLA again/Mom Dies

2003: NOLA Grants Layoff/Ric's Plea/8th Rental Lease Break (Sandra #2)/Back to Florida/iCare

2004: iCare Firing/Gary Dies/9th Rental Lease Break (Cypress Springs)/Oh, Let's Try NOLA Again

2004: 10th Rental Lease Break (Albert)/Yup, You Guessed it: Return to Florida

2005: Sun Lake Apartments with Ric/Convergys/Ric buys Hidden Village Condo

2006: Pick up Symantec Just Before New Crisis Hits/Credit One and Orchard Bank Cards

2007: Driver's Licence Back!/Buick Bought for ~$5000 Saved Cash

2008: Buick Totaled/Got High Interest-Low Credit Score Car Loan for Nugget/Symantec RIF

2009: Begin Embark/Unemployment Years/Maxing Out the High Interest, High Fee Credit Cards

2010: By Year's End, First Missed Rent/Unemployment Benefits Dry Up/New Near Collapse

2011: Last Minute Reprive from LW/But Not Without: 11th Rental Lease Break and First Collection Debt (Bell South $185...forgot about phone bill during move) in Years/Paying Down the Card Balances

2012-now: New CC Cards, Rising Credit Score, New Car, New Apartment, Savings Account, Solid Retirement Account, Debt Free, the Bell South collection finally drops off (just last week).

Whew! I typed this all in from memory referencing only a couple facts here and there. What a ride!

So now we're here in Great Credit Land. And, hopefully, here to stay. Here's the latest rundown of the numbers. As always, there's a bit of variance but by all accounts, it's pretty damned good.


Bank of America



