SCRAPBOOK: More High School Yearbook Pics

I posted some pics to this blog from my high school yearbook back in 2012 from captures I'd taken when a former classmate had scanned his copy of the yearbook onto the 30th reunion Facebook page he was maintaining. But I guess someone complained because within a short time it was deleted. Well, while browsing aimlessly sometime last year I found a copy on so I grabbed a few more pics from the Senior Year (1982), Junior Year (1981) and Freshman (1980) yearbooks (no "sophomore" as Woonsocket high school back then was just grades 10-12). I thought I'd posted them here but just today found I hadn't so I went back this afternoon and grabbed some pertinent pics and, well, here they are. This description of this post is almost as long and boringly drawn out as my day has been...LOL!

My 10th Grade Homeroom

My 11th Grade Homeroom

Science Club 1980-81

Looks like someone was being funny and wrote "Science Clud #1" on the blackboard. I guess we were smart in science but not so much in spelling. I'm sure any of us was much more on the ball than the yearbook staff though since they recorded me as someone named "Pete Andrews." Oh, BTW, not like I was a whore or anything but I had sex with the two guys in front of me. Way to go, Pete!

My Senior Portrait

Ditched the wire-framed glasses and transitioned to the relatively new technology of soft contact lenses by 12th grade but, unfortunately, still sported a really bad haircut.