So now I'm at Defcon 3, yellow alert!
People around here are outright freaking crazy and I got to be on my toes!
As you know, I'm quite the freaking hermit. I stay home in my four walls to myself day after day, week after week and I only go out for the tiny little bit that I do for the few appointments that I have and a little bit of grocery shopping. The latter is what I did for about an hour today, in fact let me take a look at the security cam captures to see exactly when I left and when I came back: Okay, I left at exactly 1:27 p.m. and returned at 2:24 p.m. So I was gone just a smidge under one full hour.
My cameras' proximity zones are covering roughly 80% of their field of view and on about 80% or so sensitivity so I get pretty much everything on alert. It's another windy day today so that includes every sway of every twig of those breadfruit plants next door, the twitching shadows of the bougainvillea being cast across the driveway, as well as every car going down the road being captured by the Carport South Cam. So to say I'm used to these alerts is an understatement. Of course I don't have my notifications set to any audible tone otherwise my phone would be pinging non-stop driving me up a wall. Instead I just occasionally check out my alerts by going into the WYZE app, and I like to do it on the computer since I can actually see the video captures on a 27-in. monitor a lot better than a little tiny frame on a phone, and just click through to see if it's anything interesting other than the above mentioned twigs and shadows.
Well low and behold, when I did this check after getting home, I saw that exactly 18 minutes after I left, according to the camera timestamp, some fucker, jauntily strutting his ass as bold as fuck with not a care in the world, walks right on to my carport, right through to where my car would be normally parked, walks up to where my AC compressor unit is, does a partial pause in the stride of his strut to give a stare at it for some reason (I have no idea what the fuck he's looking for), and then gently moves on through to the backyard, I guess to pass through to Bayview Street. WTF!
Now truth be told, people pass by the carport in the alleyway between me and the Sanford’s all the time to cut through between Skyview and Bayview. I'm used to that, and I'm not put off by it since I kind of understand it – I'm positioned pretty much exactly halfway between the intersection of both ends of the street so if you're walking along the street, either Skyview or Bayview and want to get to the other but don't want to walk all the way to the intersection, it's a natural cut through. But to cut through someone's carport?
And this is a little too coincidental to happen right after I leave on one of the rare occasions I am gone from my house. Oh, and get this, as usual, I don't lock my doors. So this fucker, had he been so inclined, could easily just have reached over, turned my door knob, and let himself in. Well not anymore! First off, I did enough shopping today to set me straight for a few weeks so other than my doctor's appointment Wednesday, I don't expect to be going out much. And don't you know, when I leave for my doctor's appointment, I will be bringing my phone with notifications audibly on. I will drive the people in the waiting room and the medical personnel there batty with the constant dinging. And, as you can see, I have now placed all cameras (see the one example below) on full 100% coverage and 100% sensitivity including sound which I normally never do. If an ant crawls across my carport, I'll know about it.
As I posted about here, this place is worse than Lakewood, the similarly named mental facility I used to work at. Only here, I'm not staff, I'm one of the residents.
Obligatory POTA Clip: