Home, home in the trailer park
Where the stray cats aimlessly roam
Where often is heard, a discouraging word
And this guy calls every house his home
So yeah this guy again. Well, if there's one thing I've learned over the years and the many places I've lived, there's always going to be one of these guys. That is, some person, sometimes a guy, sometimes a girl, but some person that's just going to get under your skin for some reason or another, and anytime you look out your door, anytime you peek out your window, or now in the modern age, anytime you look at your security camera live feed or captures, boom, there they are, a sort of What About Bob if you will.
So as you can see the Sanfords have totally cleared out. Haven't seen hide nor hair of them for over a month -- except for yesterday. They stopped by as if they were just visiting an old friend. No not this guy. He's just a hanger on, I'm pretty sure. I think they too treat him like the neighbor that just seems to always be around. Thing is, unlike me where I just pretty much ignore him, they've actually taken a shine to him and made him feel like a friend.
Well the Sanfords were only here for about an hour or so, you know, enough for a good pack or two of cigarettes. Then they were off again. Thing is I think they told our friend here that he could have at it. Because ever since they left, he's been back and forth between this house and his house, or should I say one of his houses, we'll get into that in a second, pretty much emptying everything he could get his little paws on.
Now I'm trying not to be absolute full-on Gladys Kravitz here but it's pretty hard to ignore when you hear the banging of the screen door every 10 minutes at the house next door which is only about 6 ft. away and you look out and there he is again with yet another item in his hands.
I had my security cam tuned down to a lower sensitivity level because I was getting way too many alerts but I wish I had it on the level I had it before because man I missed the shot of the century. My man was carrying out a toilet seat!
The Sanford's probably told him "If you see something that you want go ahead and take it." Now did they mean everything? I mean, I think they want to sell this house. And most people try to sell a house with the full toilet set up including the seat.
So who is this guy anyway? Here in this blog I call him NoFu (Nosey Fuck) but privately I call him SW, but not those initials. The initials stand for the full name that I call him but I reserve to redact that information from this blog since now that it's public, somebody googling his name might be able to come up with that here and it's no place for that since I do respect HIPAA and it would be medical information that that person is a resident or was, I'm not sure of his status any longer since I'm not there anymore, of a mental health facility. I talked about this before. But this neighbor guy is named that because I swear, and I am not making this up, he looks and acts exactly like him. If it weren't for the fact that the voices different, the fact that he can make coherent sentences and is apparently not mentally deficient to the point that the real SW is, and that I think I already know this guy's name anyway and it's not that, it would be scary easy to get them mixed up.
I mean, this guy isn't as bad off as the real SW but he does have some issues. I've talked about it here in this post, and you can freaking see for yourself here in this picture as he's blatantly staring into my bedroom window wondering what the heck that little white box with a black circle in it is as if he can't figure out what a security camera is.
So again to be kind of discreet, I won't mention his real name but I think I know it, even though I haven't had much conversation with him, he never got around to introducing himself, and I never asked for his name, I found it out by way of my super online ultra sleuthy detective skills. In other words I just googled his address. That's also how I found out that an elderly woman with the same last name lived in the home right next to his. I say lived because in the resource that I found online it doesn't say she died but it does state that her age would be 91 and I do believe that the house is not occupied.
My assumption is this: Reagan and Lisa, after they sold my house to me, moved into the house on the other side of the Sanford house which then, as you may recall, was the Boo Boo house. A couple years later they sold that house, I believe, to this guy's mother and father. And I think over the course of the subsequent year or two up to the relatively past year or so since I've started noticing this guy moseying around the neighborhood, they died. Probably not together, and I'm not even sure that that is exactly the situation but at their age it's very possible.
Now what I think happened is before they died, NoFu decided to buy the house next to theirs, probably so that he could be closer to them as they were getting very on in age. Now that they have died, their house probably passed on to him. So these details are very foggy of course and I think I'm making a lot of it up, you know, like any good Gladys Kravitz would do, but the end result is I think pretty much the same. This guy seems to own not only the house he lives in but also the house that the Bells lived in and now it appears that the Sanfords (By the way to confuse you even more, you should remember that Doreen and Dan are not really called Sanford, I made that name up as their nickname. I don't know they're real last name. My sleuthy skills are only so sleuthy.) But anyway, it seems that this guy has run of the mill of the Sanford formerly SawBoy formerly Boo Boo house.
He's playing trailer park Monopoly. Two more and he can trade them out for a big red hotel!
Oh, by the way, you may have noticed my quick little ditty rephrasing of Home on the Range alluded to some stray kitty cats. Oh, let me tell you, that will likely be one of my next posts. Shit's been getting real with them. Stay tuned.