2:16 The Archbishop is speaking in French but his tone and words sound oh too familiar harkening back to my memory of childhood Mass in a French-heritage hometown.
2:17 I can't help but think how people will make comparisons of the Archbishop and his crew wearing vestments in Partridge family bus/Piet Mondrian colors.
2:20 The organ cranks out something. It's certainly not Bach. It's likely modern. It kinda sucks. Discordant and quirky, it makes me think they're going to roll out a big golden missile with Alpha and Omega etched in its fins ala Beneath the Planet of the Apes. But will they peel off their faces?
2:30 The camera panning around a lot now. We see Trump and Macron together. Melania's not there? Is that Jill Biden? There's John Kerry. And Elon. There's Zelensky...doesn't this guy own a suit? Just 'cause you're at war, you can't dress up for church dude?
I wonder if Trump is standing there thinking..."Gee, right over there is where Napoleon grabbed the crown of France and made himself Emperor." No. He doesn't know anything of history, let alone the epic history of where he is.
2:40 Choir hymns and organ music much more traditional now.
3:02 Oh, organist trying out rock or maybe hip-hop now?
3:05 The ceremony has concluded...
DING DONG DING! Ring those bells Quasimodo!