OMG, I Thought I Was Going Feral


After another fitful night of nervous non-sleep due to the fact that even though temps were very nice and cool, I had difficulty sleeping without my familiar fan and white noise, I finally got to sleep sometime after sunrise. And then, a miracle happened.

I woke up, not noticing what should have been the unusual feeling of wind blowing against my face, that being the wind from the fan now being on, and turned over to see my clock radio blinking 12:48. You see what being unplugged and totally off grid for almost 48 hours did to me, I can't even compose a sentence anymore. Who am I kidding, I never could. Anyway, that's right, the power was back on!!

If I had to eat another of these crappy biscuits or listen to my neighbor's fart or go out to the car in the middle of the night to charge my phone and listen to crappy radio to get some semblance of what's going on in the world only to be barrage by 15 Non-Stop fucking minutes of commercials...WTF happened to radio?! Or was it always like that and saps like me in the '80s when I used to listen to it just took it because we didn't know any better?

I looked around everything is fine. TVs didn't blow up. The advice that they give you when you're faced with a power failure that you should unplug your appliances and TVs must be from the olden days when they were powered by freaking vacuum tubes that would probably be so sensitive as to blow up when the power would surge back on.

Looking forward to a day of endless internet surfing. Basking in the glow of my two 27 inch monitors. Patiently waiting for my water heater to get the water in its tank back up to temp so I can take another hot shower again. Driving over to a gas station to put air in one of Hulk's tires. That's right he pulled this again just at the wrong time! And then going to get more food because the provisions I'm living on are scarce and pitiful.

Uncle Milty, you nearly brought me to my knees...

Well actually you did, when I fell on my butt coming in from rescuing Hulk and slipping on my floor, I had to get up on my knees in order to stand back up.

But at least I didn't resort to eating the cats and dogs.