

Well SawBoy and Mrs. SawBoy are in the multi-day midst of moving their stuff in. And man, do they have a lot of stuff!

The other afternoon, SawBoy formally introduced himself to me as a trove of teenagers and a young man of about 30 were busily loading shit into his house and on to his porch. He and Doreen were helping out as much as they could, but upon getting a closer look at him, now I could see that I don't think he's going to be much more for this world, if you know what I mean. Especially as Doreen has admitted that they both smoke pretty much non-stop.

The young crew are back today, several of them Black, not that there's anything wrong with that. Though now, thinking back, when I first met Doreen I jokingly made a crack that I hoped she wasn't going to be cranking out any loud rap music and it seemed she took that a little too literally and told me that she and the mister were inclined towards country and western though she liked to dabble in a little rock and roll sometimes. I'm wondering if they might be grandchildren of either hers or his (remember they're not married) and that we may, if they get down to maybe having a little party ('cause yes they do drink, I saw them do so already) we may actually be hearing some hip hop or rap booming through the air? Oh Lord!

I've been watching them pretty regularly every day using a technology that I'm sure if it had been around in the 1960s good old Gladys Kravitz would have certainly been a fan of, namely my security camera. Of course it's poised pretty much directly focused on their screened-in porch. I can watch all their goings on. 24/7. Secretly, of course.

They already have a lot of crap out on that porch. They have these two big blue tool cabinets you'd see in auto shops. Perhaps SawBoy was a mechanic before he retired? 

Well we know he fancies himself quite the independent contractor what with all the renovation he did inside of their house. It does turn out though that even they themselves appear to be acknowledging that the work and the furnishings they set up in that house we're all quite subpar since I see them hauling pretty much all of the stuff that was staged in there out in order to move their stuff in. Funny thing is, so far, from what I can tell, their stuff doesn't really seem to be much better quality.

Which brings us to the real question: What quality of neighbor are these SawBoys going to be? And could they actually be WORSE than their predecessors, the infamous Boo-Boos?

Let me just say, I got a funny feeling about them.

If I start seeing any one of those motherfuckers twinkling their nose, I swear....