The Return Of SawBoy


This weekend, SawBoy and Mrs. SawBoy have been busy doing shit in their house. Now I hadn't heard hide nor hair from them in months. All of a sudden they're moving shit around over there. So it made me think...Oh I wonder if they finally sold it? And if so, who's gonna be living there? Will they be cool or will they be another Boo Boo fiasco...or worse? "Come to Hanora Lippett...Yeah, I know, I know..."

I looked it up. They had reduced the price on their listing twice this year, finally going as low as $21,500 in July only to take it off the market less than a month later in late August. 

Now they're puttin' stuff out on the front lawn (including two ugly lamps which will proceed to promptly fall into the street at the first gust of even a slight breeze, the morons). Maybe they're just gonna abandon it?

EDIT: Finally, I formally met Mrs. SawBoy Wednesday morning the 18th as I returned home. Her name is Doreen and her "companion" (Mr. SawBoy) is Dan. Her husband died over a year and a half ago and she and Dan moved in together in their mobile home at Francis I, another park in South Sebring (one where you own the home and the lot). They bought this "trailer" as a flip but hardly got any interest so they're gonna sell the Francis I house and move in here. They're smokers so they are on their porch often (oh wonderful). She's 74 and legally blind. Yada, yada, yada...

As you can tell, it'll be a challenge to remain politely distant. I did slip the fact that I keep to myself into the conversation not because I don't like people (lie, I really don't like people) but just because I like my privacy. We'll see if they get the message. She got a kick out of my joke that she and Dan were "living in sin" so she at least can't be too bad, but, really, I really like my solitude.

She mentioned not only her eye problems but other health issues and Dan has had issues of passing out and collapsing down stairs not too long ago. And of course they smoke like chimneys. So, even if they are the chatty type, they'll hopefully be takin' up some quality coffee talk time with the Lord before knockin' 'round my back door.