Not At All Creepy

So right by the door to my house is not only this mysterious light that doesn't work but also this brass head of an old man with either a sailor cap or some kind of other uniform peaked cap. Let's leave the little Christmas bulb light inside this silver handle looking thing that never turns on nor does the handle open anything alone for a minute since I don't even care to wrap my head around that, let's instead focus on the head. Yeah. I'll be honest I've seen it a million times, but until photographing it for the video I took today, I never really paid it much attention, but now, especially in sepia tone, it is really fucking creepy isn't it?

What is it? Why is it? Who put it there? Is it a good luck charm? Or is it to ward off evil or something? Or maybe it's a warning that evil lies within? We may never know.

Anyway, here's the video I promised of the exterior of my tiny abode. Enjoy.

EDIT: The silver handle thing with the little bulb inside, on closer inspection, seems to simply be a handhold with a nightlight. This would have been helpful for trailers like mine that only have simple steps leading up to the door so a person could grab on to it with their right hand as they turn the knob with their left. The light would help them see at night. I, of course, have my "wonderfully hand-crafted" wooden stairs with installed janky-looking (yet surprisingly sturdy) banister so I never needed this. And the incandescent bulb probably burned out in the Carter administration. Probably just as well as I'm sure Jimmy would have frowned on this likely "always on" lightbulb wasting 2 watts of power 24/7.

Also, I Google Image searched the picture of the head and Google's new image recognition AI (which is also not at all creepy, right?) found out right away what it was. It's a vintage brass door knocker and people be sellin' 'em for like $75 to $100 on Ebay! I never knew. I'll try to "knock" with it tomorrow as it's night time now and I'm sure as hell not gonna touch that creepy ass thing in the dark!

EDIT 2: Now it's the next morning. I "knocked." came to the door. BTW, it's mounted with its brass plate behind it but since it's all installed directly onto the aluminum siding of the outside wall of the house, not the door, it sounds flat and "tinny." Better to just use your knuckles and knock like a normal person on the door itself.