So not even 24 hours after I release this blog back to the world, the AI algorithms at Almighty Google contact me by email at 6:00 in the morning to let me know that one of my posts has been flagged for content deemed inappropriate.
I had to scratch my head because I specifically do not put stuff on this blog that I would consider inappropriate.
I mean, I know that YouTube is getting very picky about content on its site I guess in response to advertisers complaints so we're seeing a lot of content creators self-censoring. But I thought that was pretty much relegated only towards channels that were monetized and were afraid to lose ad revenue. This blog is of course not YouTube but like YouTube, it is owned by Google. Blogger blogs do have an option to have AdSense Revenue but this blog does not partake of that option at all nor would I ever. So I really didn't know what they were talking about regarding the inappropriate material.
I looked at the email they sent me:
The post is this one from November of 2008! That's right, I just now get a warning about a post I published SIXTEEN YEARS AGO!!
So you know this AI algorithm scanning blogs for whatever now they deem to be inappropriate has to be relatively new. That is newer than the three years and 8 months this blog has been in its isolation zone.
The post is a rundown recollecting many of the pets that my family had when I was growing up in the late 1970s. Like a lot of my SCRAPBOOK posts, it uses pictures that I grabbed from various sources throughout the internet that simulate what I want to discuss in the post, in this case, cats and dogs that look like the pets we had.
As far as what could have gotten the AI's panties in a bunch, who knows? The pictures are all innocent enough, just ordinary pets. But then I took a look at what I wrote about the fates of some of our beloved family pets and how us kids and our dear old dad "allegedly" treated them. Err, maybe this was it?
I won't rewrite what I wrote that may be controversial here since I'm pretty sure that the AI would scan the ASCII text and then THIS post would end up getting flagged but I'll just take screenshots of the potentially offending text and see if that can slide through the cracks so to speak. Let's see if you can figure out what might have triggered ol' Granny Google to clutch her pearls...
"I Had a Little Drink About an Hour Ago..."
"Follow The Bouncing...Errr Umm..."
"Jawohl, Sieg Heil!"
"Hush Little Kittens, Don't You Cry..."
Yeah I guess in hindsight rereading these, um, yeah I guess they do warrant a little bit of a warning. But, even though, sadly enough, these are actual events, they are actual events according to me. And who am I? And can I be trusted? Even when I say they are actual events?
Which gets to the root of this entire blog as supposed evidence of anything. There are many posts in this blog in which, either I've admitted to, or I've not admitted to, partially or wholly making up entire events for the sake of artistic license. Sometimes a story needs to be embellished in order to make it a little bit more flavorful so to speak. Who's to say all of the events that I describe about the pets above are totally a work of fiction? And if so why is that so offensive? Should we be a society that now has to censor everything that could be potentially read as unpleasant or sad or depicting anything but sunshine and rainbows? Let's just all live in a wonderful halcyon world and hold hands and sing kumbaya and pretend that everyone loves one another forever and ever and ever.
I believe there's a great novel that depicts a future world where an all-encompassing entity surveys everything everybody does, says, reads, and listens to. It went by a title called "1984" but perhaps it was a tad early and it should read "2024."