Hints Of The Parallax View


Despite a remarkable resemblance, the above image is not a screen cap of today's Congressional hearing on the Trump assassination attempt. It's a still from a scene in the movie The Parallax View.

Well there are a lot more similarities between recent events and that classic suspense movie than just the above scene. First of all, there's the obvious, the movie is about political assassination. An unwitting reporter gets wrapped up uncovering some nasty secrets of an evil nefarious organization which seeks to recruit misfit antisocial losers and train them to be sniper assassins. So basically everything we've learned so far about Trump's would be assassin, this guy Crooks, a loner, socially awkward, and outcast is prime material that would be perfect for this Parallax Corporation. Oh, and I forgot to mention, the most important part, along with their sniper training they're also taught to make the ultimate sacrifice be it to be shot by responders or be self-inflicted. Of course, so there would be no one to interrogate.

So the question within the context of not only that 50-year-old movie but even of events unfolding today is simply this, does an organization such as this actually exist and could it be behind it all? And furthermore, again like the open-ended question that the movie implied, was this really an independent organization or was it a deep dark secret branch of the government?

I have a feeling I'm not the only one having their memory jarred in this regard. True, The Parallax View does happen to be one of my favorite movies and I've seen it many times so it was easy for me to put two and two together, but it's been suggested as a viewing option on my homepage on Amazon Prime so I guess a lot of other people are queuing it up as well.

We sure live in strange times where truth gets weirder than fiction.

Oh of course I can't close this post without an obligatory clip of that oh so crazy slideshow montage from the movie.