Assassination Attempt On Trump In Butler, PA


News is still fresh about this shooting at a Trump rally that occurred just hours ago, but from the bits and pieces that are wafting through, I was able to come up with the above graphic of what appears to be the scene of the crime. News outlets haven't yet disclosed the building that the shooter was positioned but from an eyewitness that one of the news channels interviewed they mentioned that the focus was on a building with a sign that said ARC or ARG on it. The news agencies didn't mention the name of the rally site either but I was able to determine the location based on a local newspaper article from Butler, Pennsylvania. The location is called Butler Farm Show which appears to be a modestly sized fairground about four miles to the west of Butler. The building I indicate above is a business called AGR International Incorporated, apparently a manufacturing company.  EDIT: Days later it's confirmed that Crooks, who they're still calling the "suspected" shooter, was positioned on the roof of the closer building to the right of where I indicated initially above, so less than 500 ft. away.

Interestingly, when I clicked on the Google Maps link for that company's website I got this:

Not sure if this error message is because their website is being bombarded by lookyloos like me but since they haven't announced this as the shooter's location, I don't know how many others figured it out? But there's one comment regarding this already on Google Maps as you can see below. 

EDIT: A few hours later, this "grassy knoll" comment, shown on the screencap below, is now gone. Hmmm.

I looked all around that building using Google Maps and I can't see how anyone could have got up there unless they accessed it from inside. And why weren't the Secret Service concerned about this building which has the stage Trump was speaking at directly in the line of fire?

A bunch of comments on YouTube are saying they think the thing was staged. With one attendee killed, perhaps two others injured, and the shooter taken out by the Secret Service, it's quite unbelievable for this being staged at all. But, you got to admit, there are a few things that make you go hmm...

I mean, look at these incredible photos and how almost perfect they are. One of Trump fist pumping the air as if to say "you can't get rid of me that easily" perfectly aligned with the big American flag and the Secret Service all covering him up, then the next one where a photographer just happened to be in the right place at the right time to get a photo of Trump while he's down on the stage and it looks like he's praying. You know his supporters are eating this up.

And then there's this interesting tidbit: This rally attendee was being interviewed and I noticed that she and her companion were both wearing these political buttons that they must have either gave out or sold at the rally, taking a closer look you can see the button says "I Was There," like it's meant to commemorate a momentous occasion. Very sus.

And I just discovered this which so many Trump supporters are barking about tonight. Apparently, Biden said on Monday, “I have one job, and that’s to beat Donald Trump. I’m absolutely certain I’m the best person to be able to do that. So, we’re done talking about the debate, it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye.”

If this shit were a novel, you'd be "nah, not realistic, not believable."