Screw This Heat!


All right, as you can see, I repositioned my porch security cam since my project this coming week will be to resurrect the jacuzzi. For something like maybe four years I've been without my baby since she sprung a leak. But I'm convinced that the leak was due to my incorrect installation of a replacement filter that included some silver nitrate filtering cylinder doohickey. I failed to measure if there would be enough room for that doohickey and there wasn't. By screwing the filter on with that doohickey putting undue pressure on the piping, I either loosened or cracked the PVC pipe just passed the filter intake valve. At least that's what I theorize. 

I'm going away this weekend, yes to freaking Orlando again, it's all I ever go to, so I won't start it right away, I'll leave this project of filling it and conditioning the water for next week when I can watch to see if it does in fact leak. I'm going to reinsert the old filter which I know fits sans any doohickey. I also don't plan on using the motor at all so I'm going to figure out a way to plug it up so that no water passes through and into the filter intake valve. 

I'll just be using the jacuzzi as basically a one-man swimming pool and since it's only me, and my dead skin and oils, a bi-weekly shock treatment and regular infusions of chlorine should keep the water relatively clean despite not being filtered. If I practice good hygiene before I get in it, like you should anytime you go into a pool, taking a shower beforehand, it should be good to go. 

Other benefits of not running it would include no increase of my already outrageous electric bill, and no need for the jacuzzi cover. This thing is in a screened-in porch, there shouldn't be any leaves floating into it, and if a gecko decides to go swimming and can't get out, oh well, sucks to be him. 

The only negatives are the ones like having to listen to Mary's non-stop loud-as-fuck TV and, if I make even the slightest peep, her little dog will start yipping. And of course, I'll have to look up at that ceiling, as you can see, there's some mold going on. It's just cheap foam anyway so I'm not really worried about it, I should get out a mop with some bleach to take care of it. Or maybe a light coat of that massive amount of white paint I have? 

Or maybe just rip the foam down anyway since I don't think it really does anything to provide any insulation. I mean, it's only a screened-in porch with thin aluminum half walls. In the late afternoon like it is in this picture, that sun be just as hot as if you were sitting outside. But oh, won't it be nice while I'm sitting relaxing in my wonderful little pool. 

I'll keep you appraised of the project as it goes along.