In Heaven Everything Is Fine


In Heaven everything is fine. 

In Heaven everything is fine. 

In Heaven everything is fine. 

You got your good things, and I've got mine. 

In Heaven everything is fine. 

In Heaven everything is fine. In Heaven everything is fine. 

You've got your good things, and you've got mine.

In Heaven Everything is Fine - from the David Lynch movie Eraserhead.

Notice the transition. It's essential. We are reassured that, in Heaven, everything is fine. Multiple times, in a very lulling, calm melody. But without skipping a beat, the second verse teaches us that, in fact, just like here on Earth, we just aren't going to be satisfied with only OUR things. Because eventually, our good things aren't enough. We need more good things. And because it is Heaven, we get what we want. We get the singer's good things. They become now our good things. Not our as in our shared things, our things as in the things that we alone now own. The singer never indicates that these things are being shared. She just acknowledges that the things that were hers are now ours. Think how true this sentiment is in the minds of most people. Though they don't see it as greed, they believe that in their Heaven, they will be with the people they love. For eternity. Forever and ever. No matter if they have moved on. No matter if these people never really loved them to begin with on Earth. No matter if they were really bad for them. Heaven is a narcissist Heaven. Only narcissists deserve happiness in this version of an afterlife. The end of my rambling, go about your day, little ones. Maybe I'll see you someday. Maybe in Heaven. And then I can take your good things. Sucks to be you.