LIVE BLOG: Battle Of The Os


I've mentioned before that Ozempic seems to have this Antabuse quality about it. That is, it makes it pretty unsavory to drink alcohol while on it. Just like what I've read about Antabuse, any alcohol imbibed while on the drug is rejected. In the case of Antabuse, I believe it's rather explosive in that you immediately vomit it out. So far that's happened pretty much on three occasions, one of them after I'd already passed out and the contents of my stomach were deposited on the rug to the left side of my bed. I only discovered this after I woke up. It took a couple days for me to apply enough rug cleaner to get the stains up. Yeah totally gross, I agree. 

But Old Georgie don't go down so easily. He keeps making me imagine that I can live with it if I can only keep it down. Problem is, Ozempic also makes the taste of alcohol pretty putrid, and the effects of giddiness and warm cozy feeling are pretty much non-existent. So here I am with a 12 pack of IPA freshly bought from the poison purveyors across the street, ABC, and Old Georgie is having me go through this again. But maybe, just maybe, this time it's going to work.

9:03 pm - First sip out of this 12-pack. It's a Sweetwater variety pack and the first selection is Goin' Coastal Pineapple IPA, 6.1 ABV. Bitter of course but not to the point where I'm totally disgusted and want to spit it out. I'm going to wait to see if I have a first sip warmth.

9:09 - So far no warmth noted, just a little bit of aftertaste in the mouth.

9:10 - Poured another half can into the usual 24 oz. glass that I use. Waiting for the foam to die down a bit.

9:12 - Sip number two. And by sip, let me more clearly define that. For me, that means three good gulps, probably the equivalent of at least 3 oz. So now I'm about half a can in. The beer is a little warmer than I would like having just bought it some 20 minutes ago and I didn't let it chill in the fridge for a while first. Still no warmth but no outright grimace face either.

9:14 - Right out of the blue, first signs of slight nausea. It came on when I leaned forward a bit to type my time stamp on the keyboard. I sat back in my chair and it seems to be better now.

9:15 - Leaned forward again to type this timestamp and yep, it's definitely causing nausea. I guess since leaning forward means my fat belly is compressing my stomach a bit and even with the relatively small amount of beer in there, it's feeling a little bit full. In context, I last ate about 4 hours ago having a goodly portion of Simek's lasagna and green beans. So I'm drinking not on a totally empty stomach but I have digested a little bit of this meal. Of course due to Ozempic, there's likely still quite a bit in the stomach since digestion is slowed.

9:17 - Again, I lean forward and again I felt the pressure causing nausea. I let out a moderate burp and now I'm slightly hiccuping. I'm looking over at the beer cans and I'm wondering why I started this. No brain effect of the alcohol yet at all, just these pretty negative gastric symptoms. But Old Georgie wants me to trod along. I'll try taking the next sip without leaning forward.

9:19 - Finished what remained in the glass equaling a really deep pull. A little more than a can and a half in content is in my stomach now. The wave of nausea was pretty rapid. And now the back of the throat flavor is obnoxious. I'm wondering how much further I'll be able to go.

9:22 - The first slide effects of the alcohol it seems. A very light warmth. Back in the day, before Ozempic, I would feel pretty giddy now, a glowing warmth, and a zip of energy. I would certainly not have a slurred affect to my speech but for some reason the speech to text software is really having a hard time understanding me right now. I'm having to make a lot of edits. Don't know what that's all about. I do remember seeing people like Ric starting to slur after just a few beers and wondering what that was all about. Maybe I'm at that point now where I'm slurring but I don't even realize it.

9:26 - I'm a little irritated right now because it's taking so long for me to want to take another sip. Everything about drinking in general seems so odd and dirty to me now. I'm starting to look at it in the same light that I look at cigarette smoking, a nasty disgusting habit. And the longer I'm taking to finish my beers the more it will become gross tasting since we're full on in the summer-like weather here and it's 83 degrees inside here since I set the AC to that. These beers aren't staying cold for long.

9:29 - Another gulp. My eyes and nose are watering now, precursors to a potential strong need to vomit. Georgie is telling me it's just the flavor, he wants me to switch over to another variety thinking I'm having an aversion to the pineapple IPA. True, pineapple IPA is not my favorite but it's milder than some of the other varieties. Old Georgie's also saying that the other varieties are sitting in the fridge and they're nicely chilled by now. But my stomach seems so full and I'm not experiencing any positive benefits whatsoever. Why do I believe him?

9:33 - Two and a half cans in and I'm thinking of ending this sad experiment. I'm feeling a little flushed now but not in a positive way. It's just making me warmer in an 83° environment which is not pleasant. My stomach is full and it's not emptying very rapidly so if I take in more sips it puts a lot of pressure and increases the feelings of nausea. I'm also getting thirsty for water probably feeling the effects of dehydration. My dinner certainly had a lot of sodium and I only had about 20 oz. of Crystal Light Lemonade all day so there's that. Despite Old Georgie's complaints, I think I'll call it quits for tonight. This may be a little bit of a compromise. Recent past episodes have shown that if I continue on and get more and more nauseous, it'll culminate in a puke-fest followed by a Carrie Nation emptying of all remaining alcohol into the sink. By stopping now, before I get sick, I'll be saving the remaining nine beers in the fridge. Maybe this is what Old Georgie really wants. 

Between one drug and the next, I have no idea which way I'm leaning.

EDIT: The remaining Indians stayed in the fridge until today, 2 days later (an Ozempic injection day). I woke up after an afternoon nap and was debating whether to have a nice tall glass of iced coffee or a nice tall glass of IPA. Chose the latter. Got two and a half in with the West Coast IPA variety, fighting back the disgust over the smell and flavor until I could bear it no more and threw up my stomach contents, dumped the other half of a can into the sink, and tossed the rest of the 12 pack box into the trash, brought the trash out to the outside garbage can, and proceeded to pour myself a nice tall glass of iced coffee.