Free Your Mind...


Free Your Mind, and the Rest Will Follow.

I woke up this morning from another weird dream night singing /saying the above line. For some reason, I thought for sure it was a line from a Prince song. Perhaps Controversy, more likely Batdance. But I guess it was neither since I looked it up and it's from an En Vogue song from the late 90s.

But I guess it's appropriate in describing what's been going on lately with me. As I mentioned in my previous post, I'm reassessing all the medication I'm on and determining how I can simplify it all. The main effect of this titration fest is, perhaps not unexpectedly, higher blood sugar counts. For instance this morning, having slept a good 6 hours or so and not eating since a couple hours before going to bed, so I guess we're talking more than 8 hours fasting, I took my blood sugar and it was 245. WTF? My body is really missing metformin and glimepiride I think.

Ozempic hasn't really been contributing much to any appetite control. In fact I've had instances of all out gluttony like this Tuesday when I bopped over to Walmart and picked up a large Hershey's Symphony chocolate bar and two pints of Haagen-Dazs. Scoffed that down, half that night and half yesterday. Maybe that's why 245 this morning? I didn't dare take it right after the pig out.

But I think it's undeniable that Ozempic and perhaps other factors are no doubt contributing to my outright antabuse-like aversion to alcohol. Though I've tried, I can't get past more than four beers before I'm puking the stuff up. And absolutely no buzz. No gratification of any type. I can hear Ol' Georgie complaining vehemently as he's likely gasping on perhaps his deathbed. I can't say I want to shed a tear but then again a part of me really does miss it.

I have that health assessment video interview at 4:00 today. It's provided at no cost through my insurance. Plus they're going to be giving me $250 in rewards money that I can use for my electric bills. Not a moment too soon for that since this week, and according to the forecast for the next foreseeable future, our weather here is already in full summer mode with temps in the high 90s and overnight lows barely dipping into the upper 70s.

I also scheduled a diabetic eye exam for next week at an office in Lake Wales. It was like pulling teeth trying to get information from various places including my insurance company customer service line, AKA Bombay Central, and numerous eye doctor offices to find out what this is and who does it. I guess I'll find out after next week. And it said that insurance will cover it since it's a medical examination of the eyes as part of diabetic treatment, but it will supposedly also provide me with an eyeglass prescription. For this the insurance company is also going to give me another $25 in Rewards.

So I guess it's up to me to free my mind but if the rest doesn't follow automatically, I guess my insurance company is helping to push it in that direction.