Jimi's In Thailand

But Jimi being Jimi, he's become my new Ric. What I mean is, I'm triggered to try and match his drinking gulp for gulp. As you can imagine this isn't that great. With each drinking session, each morning, while it's evening time for him, I'm sucking down the beers, my American brews to his Changs and Leos. At least I haven't matched his scotch and ginger ales yet.

Speaking of Ric though, he celebrated his birthday yesterday, well I should now say 2 days ago, with Zach taking a picture as seen below at Chuy's on I drive. I'm sure he's drinking, though you can't tell from the picture. Funny thing with Rick, you really couldn't tell much from a picture how wasted he is. He's like me, we both can look totally fine though we're fucked up beyond belief. Although, look at Zach, man! Methinks this look is total stoner face though.