Impure Imagination


So YouTube is filling up with more and more examples of these AI generated films that are decidedly very creepy. Above is a still from one of them. Notice the morphing double-headed clown, yikes!

Kind of reminds me of the recurring dream I used to have when I was young about a theme park that I presumably visited with my aunt Neuna back when I was just a young thing. I say presumably because even though I think I identified the park in this post, I'm still not sure. It may have all been in my imagination.

I guess in a way, from the little bit I know of it, imagination is a good word to describe how AI produces these images. As I understand it, a computer is given parameters of what the image may contain, using assumptions and algorithms creates some kind of a context where the description fits the output. Oh heck, I'll admit it, I'm too much of an old fuddy duddy to really know how this new technology works. Seems to me that computers can have an imagination now.

With the mood I've been in lately, partially due to circumstances I've already gone over in previous posts, and partly with my memory of this mystical theme park posted by my now outed mysterious godmother with a hidden past, I'm inclined to not believe a darn thing. I'll just leave it at that.

But do check out this cool video from which I captured the above image. There's a ton of videos like this. Some so weird they make this look like, well, a walk in the park.