Door Monsters Are Alive!


Old doormonsters never die, they just fade away for a while probably because they grew up and took on other interests like normal teenagers growing into men but then they come back to satisfy their undying Fanboys like me. Like T2 Darlington, the dude featured in the previous post, these kids herI mean now men, have been around the YouTube landscape forever. They took on Big Time popularity with their really inventive and well made humorous civilization parody skits. Yep, you heard me right, live action skits pantomiming leaders and character pieces, especially peasant settlers and warriors confronting barbarians, from the games Civilization 5 and later civilization 6. Now many YouTube channels got their start poking fun at popular video games but the Boys At dormonsters kept to the strategy game Miche what is with your f****** vocabulary open af****** thesaurus or a dictionary I swear to f****** God I am sick and tired of your eighth grade English wake up and get to a college level sometime today yes I'm ranting about this voice to text s*** again it doesn't understand the word niche oh there now it did f******. Anywho, getting back to my train of thought, the door Monster Kids. You can search their channel for their old videos, in one of them they explain how they got their name, it's kind of cute. The boys are now college men of course and probably busy doing other things since they only post a video once every few months or so and it's been a while since they've done a civilization themed one but I just happened to notice that they did one yesterday here it is. Enjoy. If you're a civilization fan of course. Otherwise you'll probably be scratching your head wondering what all the hype is about since you probably won't understand all the in jokes. Also, I'm going to be lazy and not edit this post and just let you see what I have to deal with with this voice to text software. Technology may have come a long way and everybody is scared s******* of AI taking over the world, but in my humble opinion, we got a long way to go baby.