Another Enterprise Binge


Even though I still have yet to complete my Twilight Zone and Seinfeld binges, I felt the yearning to Trek down a well-worn path, if you will. I'm in the midst of yet another binge of Star Trek Enterprise.

This time round I'm really appreciating all the Canon firsts. There are quite a few of them. No doubt this irritates many diehard TOS fans robbing Kirk and crew of many of their firsts. Albeit with some caution taken to not totally mess with established milestones.

For instance, I just finished season one and during the two-parter episode Shockwave, Archer is perusing the stacks in the ruins of a library in the 31st century with time hopping Daniels, he glances at the title of a book labeled "The Romulan Star Empire." Daniel's quickly diverts him away saying it's best he doesn't open that book up as it's too early in Archer's time. A couple episodes later, and the Enterprise gets entangled in a Romulan minefield in a planet's orbit, alerting two Romulan ships and having them decloak to deter the Enterprise from going further. But in these episodes the Enterprise crew never does see any Romulans so it doesn't ruin the shock of Kirk's Enterprise seeing the Romulans for the first time in the original series and noticing that they appear very much like Spock.

I think this is one of the quickest turnarounds in binging a Star Trek series as I had only binged this show in 2021. Back then it was on Hulu with commercials. Now it's on Paramount+ and commercial free.

Oh by the way, a little side note here, I took advantage of a Black Friday special offer and got Hulu and Disney+ back for just $2.99 a month for the next 12 months. The version of both of these have commercials but it seems somewhat limited as I pretty much immediately watched Spielberg's West Side Story and there were only three commercial interruptions.