
 Last night was an ordinary night. I messed around on YouTube and other time wasting websites up until about 1:00, got a little sleepy, brought my phone to bed and played the Harry Potter game until I inevitably got frustrated with that, put the phone down on the night table, shut the light, and went to sleep by 2:00 a.m.

Temps here in Central Florida are getting back to overnights in the mid-60s with almost no humidity so I figured I'd have a great night's sleep. And I did. Up until about 5:00 a.m. when I woke violently shivering with the chills. I went and shut my windows and ran back into the comfort of my bed covering up well with the comforter to protect my body from the frigid cold. But here's the thing, I didn't check the temperature but I was conscious of the fact that it was only as I figured in the mid-60s. Now I'm not not that much of a baby to cooler temperatures that I'd be shivering violently at temps like that. I knew it was something more.

I went back to sleep and got up finally about 7:30 a.m. Yeah, 5 and 1/2 hours sleep that's about right. I felt rested enough yet before long I confirmed that although the chills were gone I had a bit of a runny nose, and body aches. I was enduring some kind of viral infection.

Now here's the thing. Probably because of my hermit lifestyle, I've had absolutely no colds, or flus that I can think of, since maybe 2019 (other than the bacterial sinus and lymph infection from a few months back) but certainly nothing that could be construed as potentially Covid.

Luckily I have those free Covid test kits the government sent out a while back so it was time this morning to use one.

As you can see, the test result is negative. It's not Covid. Yay! And in fact, as I'm posting this blog at 10:00 in the morning other than being a little bit nasally, and the usual cold symptom of mild aches including behind the eyes and a very slight headache, right now I'm doing okay. Nothing lung related, no coughing, no nausea, although I don't have an appetite but we can attribute that to Ozempic I guess.

My assumption is that the two trips I've taken over the past few weeks and the change in temperature made me susceptible to some kind of cold or flu. Hopefully my symptoms don't get too much more aggravated and I'll be able to shrug this off quickly.

My schedule is devoid of going outside the house for at least 5 days when I'll be heading out to get some groceries since the 25th is my resupply day for my food stamps. I'll do a pretty good stock up, and then I think I'll just shutter in...except for going to the dentist for 4 days next week for my deep cleaning, then the labs for my pre-appointment lab work, then my appointment with my healthcare practitioner, oh damn. All this at the poor people clinic where the masses are huddled with all manner of diseases.

Oh well, I guess I'm wearing a mask again for a while.

EDIT: After writing this post, the day progressed to one of zero symptoms and so it continued, no signs of any illness, thereafter. Not sure what it was I was feeling. Wasn't a virus I guess after all, not even a cold would vanish that quick. Hum? Oh well.