Oh Brother...Not Again!


I should have known better, I hit this wall last year...

So here's the story. A few weeks ago, I got an email from liveops saying that they would love to welcome me back to the Assurance IQ line. Since I was a returning agent, with previous experience, I could be streamlined through training in two days and only production line within a blink of an eye.

Figuring I could be placed back into that high tier that I started last year in, I thought I'd give it a go if only to reap the rewards of about $21 an hour in earnings for as long as I could go, maybe a week or two.

Last time, I made about $250 for 15 hours of work. So my plan this time was to at least work about 30 hours over the course of this and next week and make enough to easily pay for my new computer coming very soon.

Well low and behold, never believe what you are told.

I could tell you right now after having undergone the torture of 2 hours this evening under my belt, that the quality of the calls were connecting to are nowhere near the quality that I had going for me last July. In 2 hours I spoke with maybe 10 people and had to heavily rebuttal through all sorts of negative attitude just to get about 3 minutes of conversation in. The only transfer I got was a total lay down who frankly was coughing so much I thought she'd die right there and then and deprive me of my fucking two measly bucks.

It boggles me why the leads are so shitty since we're smack dab in the beginning of the annual enrollment period. I have a strong suspicion that even though during our short training we were assured that we'd get high quality leads right off the bat, I got placed in a lower tier right away. They don't call it tier anymore, it's more of a percentile thing, but it's still the same... Lower levels get shittier leads and less opportunity to transfer.

The other big thing that they didn't mention in training, is that they no longer allow you to cut off the introductory recording and start talking to the potential buyer live right away. For experienced telemarketers like me, this is absolutely essential. You have to mesmerize them with your own verbal skills right off the bat. Since I'm newly back on the phones, the recordings are not my own voice yet. That's another thing, last time they were the ones I recorded right away. This time, there's some other recordings. They're not bad, but they sound like recordings, and of course, people are just hanging up on them. Whereas in the past you could avoid that by cutting in and speaking live with the prospect, they no longer allow this. You have to wait until the recording has finished before you can speak to the prospect.

So this will never be successful. And in slack I can see the Kudos Channel with its much diminished activity verifying that it's not only me, very few people are making very many transfers.

At the rate of 20 cents a minute, the dialer told me I completed 1 hour 45 minutes of talk time, which seems accurate, in the 2 hours that I committed. I got one transfer, so in total for 2 hours on the phone, I'm looking at about 22 bucks. $11.50 an hour. I think that's less than minimum wage.

So the way I see it now, I've got to chalk this up to yet again another lesson in I should have seen this coming. I heard tell on the Liveops nation boards that there's an option called Express dialer where in there is no pre-recorded intro. I would guess, if I could get on this, I'd still have to give the verbatim spiel which is also new about the call us backline and the option to press two to be added to DNC, and yes, I could do this a lot better live while interspersing these mandatory notifications with some Rapport building talk and have a lot better chance to convert. I'll reach out to my Ara before the end of the week and ask for this option. Otherwise, I see no use in continuing, and it'll be yet again another work from home dream thrown into the dumpster fire that is the modern day destination, it would seem, of all my aspirations at making a little bit more coin in my so-called golden years.

Ain't growing old grand?

EDIT: After 3 and a half hours of being on-line, and making only $30, I figured this was a bad idea and abandoned the Assurance line altogether.