Journey To The VelociCoaster


I toyed with the idea of labeling this post "Here We Go Again" as a callback to the previous post since, like that one, the idea is that I'm embarking on another journey, perhaps towards an ill-fated end. But no. To quote another coaster across the pond from the one pictured above, "This time...this time I think it's going to work!" Of course the refurbished Hulk doesn't say that anymore, but in my mind it always will.

What journey is this you ask? It'll be an arduous trek to lose weight, at least enough before my annual pass expires, to get my ass on the VelociCoaster.

So here's where we're at right now. I just took my weight, it's 295. Now that is down from about a month ago where I was hovering right at 300 to 301... I guess we can thank Ozempic for that. After a month of .25 mg, I messaged my practitioner and got to go ahead to up the Ozempic to .5 mg. Instructions to discontinue metformin, I have been continuing with it albeit with a slightly reduced dosage of just 500 mg twice a day. After that scary spike of my blood sugar into the 400s a month ago, I want to be really sure to keep this in check. The way I figure it, metformin also reportedly has appetite suppressant qualities so the logic is to continue for low blood sugar and appetite control. Honestly, the main effect I'm experiencing is just, yet again, daily diarrhea. I'm hoping this settles after becoming more tolerant of the new drug regimen. Of course Jardiance is continuing to do its thing...<sound of piss stream>.

But we know it takes more than just the drugs. I just got approved to go back on food stamps and with a cost of living increase in amounts to $291 a month. That's enough to be able to afford very good quality food so I don't have to make the excuse to buy the crap food because it's cheaper and the ol' "I can't afford anything else" excuse.

Now as far as the exercise portion of this plan, well, frankly, that's where the roller coaster comes into play. I need more than the hope of numbers on a scale to motivate me to get out of my chair. Oh not my wheelchair or my Hoveround, that may be in the future, but not the present, right now the chair I speak of is my desk chair. I sit in it at least 8 to 10 hours a day. I mix it up by spending a few more hours in the living room on my electric love seat recliner, then ending each day, for at least 4 hours or so, in bed. And that's it. Desk chair, electric love seat recliner, bed. Rinse and repeat.

Now if I want to even hope to get my butt in a seat on the coaster by the end of November, I've got to make some drastic moves. Based on my attempt a few months ago trying to squeeze into the sample seat, I figure I got to be around the same weight I was when I was first able to fit, surprisingly if you remember, on the Gringott's ride. Quick little research...

That was late August 2016 but the odd thing is, just two weeks before that post, I complained my weight was 321. And in the Travelogue post I talk about getting a Dragon Scale Brew so I'm clearly drinking.

Well either I'm wrong in some of my logging or it confirms what I've suspected for a while now that with all the ups and downs, weight gains and weight losses that I've had over the years, sometimes the gains and the losses add on and reduce pounds in different areas on my body.

So who knows, at 295 I may be well able to get on the VelociCoaster? I think I was over 300 last time I tried the test seat. If memory serves correctly the big issue again was the shoulders... Maybe if I slouch more?

Nevertheless, this journey will continue. I will lose weight. I've already stopped drinking, and we know that's permanent, right? Stop laughing it's not funny!

And I'm getting on Hagrid's too, so there!