Special Aerial Combustive Convergence


Well it looks like Putin has commemorated the two month "anniversary" of Prigozhin's attempted coup by initiating a Special Aerial Combustive Convergence of an innocent-looking "friendly" anti-aircraft missile and the Wagner Group chief's private jet. Unfortunately, and totally inconsequentially, Prigozhin's body seems to have been a tad too frail to healthily endure the "celebration."

All kidding aside, even though the news media is breaking this as a plane "crash," I snatched the link below to an eyewitness video of the event over Russia.

Looks like an explosion and subsequent dead drop of the remains of the plane to me. Must have made a loud bang in the sky to prompt the eyewitness to point their phone up in the air to capture the "crash."

Now the question will be what will the troops of the Wagner Group do? Coup attempt 2.0? And what about the innocent people of Russia? Don't you think they're getting sick and tired of dealing with a nut in the Kremlin who feels totally entitled to just assassinate anyone at will?