A Tale Of Three Windbags


Well to be honest it's every summer and fall isn't it? I mean it's just a fact that living in Florida you're going to deal with tropical systems coming down the pike every year. Some years they're a little bitty things and very sporadic, other years big scary things and sometimes stacking up one after the other. After September of last year though, I've had my fill for a good couple years thank you very much, so this new system coming into the Gulf can just stay on west of here and mosey on over to the panhandle all it wants, just don't come 'round my back door.

In other news, I think I forgot to post about it, but last weekend I got a mystery call on my phone and it was none other than Ric. He was drunk of course, but only a couple of pitchers in so not super sloppy drunk. He was stuttering and seemed very nervous, likely anticipating possible rejection to his usual dopey jovial ministrations. Though I was polite, I was quite earnest telling him frankly that I preferred the situation as it is where we simply don't have contact with each other anymore. His old telemarketer bones kicked in to issue me a rebuttal which included his addictive inherited love of Civilization that I passed on to him like I was his enabler. It fell on deaf ears. I just don't see any merit for me in rekindling any connection with him whatsoever. He sensed I wasn't going to entertain him as he tried to, in typical narcissist's fashion, insert snippets of what his life is like right now being met with cold, dead silence on my end, so he ended the call politely enough but ten minutes later he texted me basically screaming "what more did I want of him?" with a row of question marks. I kinda feel sad for him.

This new season of Foundation is percolating up with new characters plucked directly from the books so I got a hankering to reread them. I bought a compilation volume of the original Foundation trilogy along with a couple of other Asimov novels included in a used (and very tobacco-scented) hardcover edition I bought through Walmart.com for less than $9. I've gotten through Foundation and halfway through Foundation and Empire so far and man, I forgot how long winded and fluffy Asimov's writing style was. As I'm reading this shit with chapter after chapter of unending hot air bombasticness, rife with an assortment of five dollar words sprinkled throughout, I'm amazed that I got through this comprehensively enough when I was a teenager. And mind you, back then I read this and the equally loquacious Ray Bradbury stuff for pleasure, not for school assignments.

These lazy, hazy hot late summer days seem filled with numerous windbags.