So What Now?


Let's be honest. I go about my day, everyday, completely oblivious to what is likely my most serious health condition, mainly, because I normally don't feel any symptoms of it. Typical head in the sand. If I don't experience it, then it isn't real, right?

As you can see from the photo, the correct answer is... Nope. Not right. It's real bitch! 

So in case you don't know, having a blood sugar this high is definitely bad. In fact, if John M., one of the chronic midnight binger clients at Lakewood showed up to the Health Center with this reading, we'd be calling for an ambulance. His mental health condition was actually pretty mild, the real reason he lived at Lakewood was his inability to take care of himself properly. He'd quaff down a high carb "snack" during our overnight shift, and frequently present to the Health Center with high blood sugar, many times in the 300s. 

You see, when your blood sugar is this high, there's no ignoring it, you definitely feel it. For instance tonight, what made me check my blood sugar was this sudden irritability, fatigue, unexplained muscle ache, headache, severe dizziness, and believe it or not, a strong craving to eat high carbohydrate foods. 

I caused this directly of course. I've been feeling out of sorts for the past few days, and it's no wonder. Met with Nurse Gonzalez and irritated by my kinda high BP. Also my A1C of 8.9. Not to mention weight gain from last visit, now I'm back to 301. We agreed I should go back on amlodipine, and she tried to prescribe me Ozempic but the pharmacy is currently waiting for my insurance's response to the request. If it's like the Trulicity prescription last time, it'll be no. If by chance I do get on this, maybe this will be the miracle drug everyone's treating it as lately?

Tonight's reading comes after a big plate of spaghetti for breakfast, salad with sweet Vidalia onion dressing which is pretty much all high fructose corn syrup, and I had a craving for dessert so I went and baked myself a cake. Yep, from scratch, a chocolate cake with a maraschino cherry glaze. And even right now I'm salivating at the thought of this. After two big helpings of this cake, I started feeling the above mentioned symptoms. Checked my sugar and it was exactly 300. I've never seen it this high. I had just taken my p.m. meds, which includes metformin, so I popped a glimepiride as well to try to get my blood sugar down. But I knew since I had eaten just 20 minutes before, my body was still processing this "food." took another reading 30 minutes later and got the above result of 400. Thought a second or two about actually driving to the hospital but instead drink two big glasses of water, took another glimepiride and another metformin. Suffered with my symptoms, especially the muscle aches and fatigue, tried to take a nap, a little worried that I might slip into diabetic coma and never wake up, but I didn't really sleep very well anyway. Got out of bed an hour later, took another reading, and I'm at 187. Still high but nowhere near what it was. 

So where do I go from here? I know it's not just one binge day. The past few days I've been eating like I've been eating pretty much every day over the past few months, stuffing my pie hole with as much pasta, rice, and of course, beer as I possibly can. Oh, as well as ice cream, apple fritters, and donuts.

Food addiction, and specially, carb addiction, is real. Exacerbated by my diabetes no doubt, but I think it's an addiction all on its own as well. Probably more powerful than my alcohol addiction.

I got to get more serious with this. But then I say this often. 

Meanwhile, the rest of that cake is still sitting in my fridge.

EDIT: My insurance okayed the Ozempic. I just picked it up from the CFHC pharmacy and will start using it this afternoon. $15 co-pay. Not bad considering they billed insurance over $700. Will this be the solution to it all?

Yes, I had another piece of cake this morning as "breakfast dessert" after 2 eggrolls and 6 potstickers smothered in spicy sweet chili. BS's about 270. After I start the Ozempic, I presume I won't crave it anymore and can throw the shit in the trash...I hope.

EDIT 2: I injected the Ozempic at .25 mg. Quite easy and painless though I do feel a little sore around the injection site (my belly). No nausea or anything.