Weirder Than Fiction


Consider the following to be from the "I shit you not!" series of wild, absolutely fucking outrageous coincidences.

No more than a couple hours after the end of the meeting today, where all parties are probably scratching their heads regarding, what the fuck just happened, I checked my internal work email and find today's Bingo draw.

As a way to encourage workplace safety, there's a bingo game used to incentivize safety awareness, and it has a daily draw announced via email. Today's selection just happened to be O66.

I emailed Maddie and Mike after I discovered that each of us on our respective Bingo cards had O66 and so therefore we all got an ink mark for today putting us that much closer to a potential Bingo win.

But for some reason, I was reflecting back on the events during the meeting, specifically the part where I was revealing snippets of the red flag diary, and I thought again to Mike's contention with a word that I had used regarding my purposely seeding information to him that I knew he would convey to Maddie exposing the fact that they were in secret dialogue against me. The word was "ploy." I kept thinking to myself, "Gee, I know he's an idiot, but unless he's really like, borderline consumer level oblivious, this exposes me for the manipulative cunt that I am." 

I thought of other manipulative cunts, specifically those that have garnered the attention of the world in the realm of movie villains and I thought of Palpatine from Star Wars. And on a whim, I googled "What was the command Palpatine gave to eliminate the Jedi Order?"

The answer was Order 66. In other words O66!

So, by pure coincidence, today's Bingo pull, absolutely without any connection to the katebo moves of our meeting today, and innocently broadcast back to the inboxes of my coworkers email, has a direct reference to one of the most diabolical moves of any evil villain in all of cinematic history!

My tirade, a glimpse into the mind of my twisted psyche, confirmed by a mathematical improbability of a bingo draw which has unimaginable odds against having anything to do with today's proceedings, all falling into place like some spectral astronomical alignment.

Mind=Sufficiently Blown.