But You Get To Wagie

I ran across this YouTube video just now, as I'm in the midst of my personal dilemma of weighing in the options of when I should pull the plug on my nonsense job. This is entry level employment in America today. And it's not just big companies as depicted in this video, like Walmart or Amazon, small companies like the one I work at are sometimes worse. 

It's especially true in fields where there's a great deal of compassion and emotion in serving such as working with the disabled. Employers think that since you must be invested with passion for the job, other important aspects like money, benefits, and even respect, are easily minimized if not outright neglected. 

It used to be, in human services, the low pay would be offset by the great medical benefits. As I've mentioned previously though, it's not at all the situation with this job. 

The other day, I put together a binder, and I had to use leftover dividers that had old Scotch tape frayed and still sticking to them and even some that were outright stained. It boggles my mind. 

For my birthday, the ladies in the admin office signed a card, no personalized notations, no passing it around to my actual co-workers in my department or even the building I work in, and stuffed inside was a $10 coupon for the company owned resale store. And was I handed this card? No they mailed it to me. 

These ladies sit around in the admin building, bitching and complaining about everyone under them. But almost everyone else makes near minimum wage, works intimately and diligently with our clients, yet these chicks pull down six figures. 

Yeah, morally I feel impacted by the Costanza act I'm pulling on them, but only in so far it delays my clients actual services for a few more weeks. I feel no compunction at all about messing around, doing nothing, and getting paid. 

It'll be over soon. Be it a week or three, I'm pretty sure it won't last to June. 

At that time I'll coldly email my resignation, give a brief bullshit explanation, feign some health related stuff so they won't harass me about it, and dust them out my memory. I'll delete all files, and all contacts. It'll be like I was never there. 

If I do ever see anyone working there around town in the future, I guess I'll just feel sad for them that they are still dancing their asses off and kissing their dignity goodbye.