Battlefront Report: WOPR Crunch Time


Shall we play a game?

You know me, anytime I can use a reference from one of my favorite movies I'll do so. But this time the scene in question seems quite pertinent. I used this world conflict escalation scene before, back in 2020, in my postulation of what Trump might do if he lost the election.

This time it applies to the thing that's keeping me up all night this weekend, what to do about this job?

Our meeting Tuesday is a little intimidating to me, especially with HR in the mix. Called by Kathleen within minutes of Maddie and I having our last spat, so I know it's about that. Maddie's madder than a rattled nest of hornets, much worse than Michelle at Lakewood even after I accused her of time clock fraud to her face. Here we are, new place, same-ish field, similar high strung religious woman, and similar accusation. But Maddie's taking it to a whole new level.

So depending on how the conversation opens on Tuesday, each of the following scenarios seem likely to occur. And like in the movie, I think no matter which way you slice it, it's going to end in global thermonuclear annihilation.

THE ROMAN RED SITZ BATH INSURGENCY If Maddie doesn't oppose my opening attempts to just simply apologize if I hurt her feelings and leaving everything else unmentioned, this scenario might go forward. But even in the most positive of circumstances, I really don't think this chick will let this go, she's going to hold her perceived trauma of the last couple of weeks against me in some way. So if I stayed on, I'd have to constantly watch my back. Wouldn't be long before I'm adios, one way or another.

POKE THE BEAR PARADIGM SHIFT In this scenario, Maddie doesn't just drop it during the meeting. And perhaps she wants more than just an apology from me. Or perhaps some kind of reprimand will be sought? Either way, I'm not sure I'll sit there and just take it. Out would come the red flag diary, but instead of presenting it all, I would just read selected excerpts. I do so in a declaration of complete honesty and forthrightness. I declare that I hope Maddie can get over these issues she has with the administrative team and Mike, and suggest that I'd like to work to make a stronger team, gossip-free, and more simpatico. Of course then, the clock would truly be ticking on my tenure there. Based on how I read the room, it could be anywhere from a few weeks to right then and there.

THE CRIMSON SPANGLED BANNER FULL FORCE INSURRECTION Here I whip out the full red flag diary and proclaim my disgust over the toxic and hostile work environment. I imply that Kathleen is part of the problem and that her lack of management and direction have contributed to the outright corruption and disarray in the supported employment office. Naturally, if not immediately terminated, I would walk out at the end of my tirade and declare myself removed from these premises forever.

YOU DROPPED THE BOMB ON ME, BABY FIRST STRIKE Here drops Fat Man. No not me literally, the metaphorical atomic bomb. I rant with even more of a hysterical screech the same as the above scenario combined with declarations of my intent to go to the board of directors and perhaps the local media in a full-blown whistleblower expose of the dirty deeds of all involved.

BREAKING NEWS FROM FLORIDA! ESCALATION All the above while pulling out my phone, engaging Spotify, and playing a rousing rendition of Lord of the Valkyries, then pulling out a hidden Uzi from my computer carrying case, and I'd blow all the motha-fuckers away, Biatch! (How retro! Who uses Uzis any more?)

Oh here's the clip again...