THE GRUMPY BOOMER: Gee, Who'd-a Thunk It?


With my 59th birthday less than a month away, I figure it's high time I started a new series here of posts that let me tell the world how I feel as a middle-aged man entering his "silver years."

So allow me to introduce to you my series called THE GRUMPY BOOMER. 

Today's entry deals with the 180° turn around over face coverings.

So, as we all remember, it wasn't too long ago that everyone and their cousin was going all ape-shit crazy about the so-called "prudent" practice of using face masks as the primary tool to combat the threat of the spread of Covid-19. At some points during this whole experience, and varying as to locale and government/municipality intervention, we all were mandated to don these facial coverings if we wanted to go anywhere amongst anyone. And sometimes, even if we were totally alone...there were ordinances that decreed mask wearing as mandatory for people walking alone outside down country roads or woodland trails with miles between you and the next person.

Now, as if the thought of exploitation in this way was never, ever imagined, businesses are fed up with gangs of thugs wearing "Covid masks" who are robbing and vandalizing them blind. Now enter the display of signs like the one pictured above...

I realized right away back in 2020 that masks could make it easy for people to escape identification and, for some, be the trigger that could embolden them to take up with wayward and nefarious deeds just because it would be oh-so-easy to do so. Coincide that with the then rampant "protest" waves surging across the country and even the rest of the world and the somewhat timid and/or conflicted response to the destructive and violent outcomes of these gatherings that frequently sprang up and's the Wild Wild West all over again!

Now, this isn't a diatribe condemning the "woke" culture or a grumpy ol' white guy spewing crazy ideas like a leftist agenda or an Antifa conspiracy, I tout a more nuanced philosophy that merely points out that an osmotic society will by its own actions build a self-reinforcing paradigm. See liberals as viscous near-anarchists bent on collapsing civilization as we know it? That's what you'll get 'cause you embolden otherwise fringe elements of that persuasion to espouse their out-there views to the confused masses and rise up in loud defiance to your herald calls. See MAGA-hat sportin', hot-air bags like Trump supporters as racists and revolutionaries in their own right, dreaming of a world where White power is supreme and snowflakes, SJWs and all manner of faggots like them are treated, like niggers of the good 'ol days, like pieces of shit? Keep prodding the more out-there factions of that end of the spectrum and it's like poking a honey badger with a stick one too many times, and suddenly, that's what you get.

Far Left, Far Right, with no common ground in between. This is the time honored recipe for a pressure-cooker society that, in the past, and in the realistically imagined near future, ends in only one way...bloodshed.

So consider my opinion, in this world of social media and instant communication by anyone and their cousin, with half a brain or not, to be thrown into the massive, and growing pile, of steaming opinions...I call it as I see it, and maybe, just maybe, my message can be one advocating for the iminent need of rapid institution of a more moderate and considerate "neutral zone."

Or not. Then, I guess, it's every man for themselves and we become a world of nasty-ass honey badgers...ooh, look at that fucker, he don't take no shit from anyone or anything!