

Well, proof that I wrote out the lot rent check and made an envelope for it. Now to actually get it down the street to the office which is never occupied and so I have to put this into the slot.

This new management of my mobile home park has got me all in a tizzy. They never pick up when you call, you only get an answering service, the reps for which are rudimentally trained and their systems don't, according to them, store previous call records, names of residents, resident info, nothing. You have to give your details each time you call for them to just pass along your message. They will acknowledge the first name of the manager but no other info. There's no portal, no email, no text option, just the phone number to this answering service.

I did actually get her on the phone almost two months ago when my toilet clog issue had just started and I was calling to see if she had a maintenance dude that could come snake it out. She said she didn't have one, but that's likely a lie since who maintains the facilities like the laundry room and the...well, that's the only facility. We have no clubhouse, pool, tennis court, fire pit, pickleball court, just a crumby old shuffleboard court which I never, ever see anybody use.

My guess is that they actually want to piss off as many owners as possible and maybe due to high turnover, there might be some clause in the rules that govern 55+ communities whereby they can then petition to make this developable land that can be converted to condos or something? This park is situated in a growing area of town, right on the lake with private homes subdivisions to the north and south. These old mobile homes, packed practically on top of each other (like Ready Player One) could well be demolished and the land redeveloped into new single family, two-bedroom homes selling for about $300K each.

Hopefully I'll hang on to this new job for a while so I can build back my Give A Fuck Fund. 'Cause Baby, I'm too old for this shit and I just plain don't give a fuck anymore.