Not A Resolution, So No Jinx, Right?

So many times in the past, I've come on here and reported a new weight loss or alcohol abstinence or both only to very soon afterwards see a reversal of those initiatives due to caving in on cravings. So suffice it to say, I'm a bit paranoid about posting about these things. But my recent change is a little on the WTF side so I gotta report it. But this time, as Old Hulk would say, this time I think it's gonna work.

In no way is the current drive the result of a resolution. It just happens to have come during the end of the year. I didn't plan on nor have I made any specific resolutions of the new year or any sort of stuff like that. That being said, I'm not gonna lie, I am making a conscious effort to capitalize on a couple of health related occurrences and run with them.

First is a strong desire to be rid of the absolutely nasty hangovers and lack of enjoyment I've had "of late" with alcohol use. The "of late" I mention is roughly, if I'm not mistaken, the same timeframe as my introduction to Jardiance. As I kinda mentioned before, I'm having all manner of side effects of this drug, and, when it's all said and done, I think it might be really worth it.

There's the noted and well-documented effects like thirst, excessive urination, dizziness, and even mild nausea. Yep, have all of that in spades. The peeing especially. Recently having the "opportunity" to measure my outflow in the past few weeks alone (due to peeing in a bucket since the toilet is out of commission currently), I figure I pee about a gallon or two in a day! And I'm drinking about the same in Great Value fake Crystal Light lemonades. 

Other not-so-well-documented side-effects I'm having: loss of appetite, especially after waking, insomnia, probably the more-negative reactions to alcohol I've lately had and, yes, weight loss. Significant weight loss. I lost about 10 pounds even before I decided to cut out drinking and eat healthier. Now since December 20th that I've included those, I've lost a total of about 24 pounds in just 3 weeks!

I've also decided, as of a week ago, to put myself back on that bottle of Alli I've had sitting in my cupboard since 2019. I know, it lost a bunch of its potency I'm sure but everything I read online said don't worry about diabetes meds on this so I figure, what the heck, let's tackle excess sugar (Jardinance) AND excess fat (Alli). 

The past couple days though, I am experiencing, especially in the middle of the night and waking hours, a bit of the ol' palpitations, like a few years back. This time I'm pretty sure it's because of this rapid weight loss and or alcohol withdrawals that are making the massive amounts of blood pressure medication I take likely too much. I think I have to cut back, but, of course, every website says to check with your provider first before doing this on your own. BP is normal, as of my last hour check, if not a bit low, but I was sleeping just prior and it is 4:30 in the morning. Maybe I'll do one of those Teledoc sessions my insurance keeps emailing me about? I next see Gonzalez late February, maybe I'll nudge that up a touch.

I feel great otherwise. I'm not doing any exercise yet, still not into that as of yet. Maybe in a week or two. Still got plenty of time on my hands, maybe I should work in a Universal visit, this time, no booze and "lots" of walking? Hmmm.

So we'll see if this post was a jinx. Let's hope not though. Too many other people right now bound to fail in their New Years Resolutions, thankfully, I have none so there's no failure to be had, in my way of thinking. :)

EDIT: Didn't even make it to midnight. Fuck!