My First Crush


Just found out Lance Kerwin, teen actor who played in the 70s TV series "James at 15" (Later "James at 16" when the character aged a year) died. He was only 62. Doesn't say how but his Wikipedia page says he was a program leader at a drug and alcohol rehab center so...maybe he slipped.

"James at 15" debuted in the fall of 1977 when I myself was 13. When I saw him on the TV screen, my little heart went pitter patter. I wasn't sure why I had an attraction to him. This was around the time I had killed my friendship with my BFF at the time, Michael D., by writing what amounted to a love letter to him.

Now, to be honest, I don't think that I was actively thinking I might be gay in either circumstance. 

My letter to Michael D. was intended to let him know how I valued him as a friend and also thought of him a lot. I failed to include in the letter the fact that I often wacked off to him and the thought of his cousin who Michael had nonchalantly said could shoot his cum across the room. I thought of this A LOT! But I denied then I was gay. It must have been what my mother would call "a phase."

Same for Lance. He was just an amiable, always cheerful young, nubile, blond dude who today would most definitely fit the definition of a twink. I don't remember if there were any swimming scenes in the TV show but I'm sure I took care of business later that night in bed if there were. No Homo, though. Just one young boy admiring the fine California tanned body of another young boy.

Within a few years though, my inclinations would become undeniable. Oh yes, I was a total gay boy and Lance helped me figure that out even at a time when I really had no clue as to what that meant. Thanks Lance. RIP buddy.