I Guess Paris Is Well Worth A Mass


Whelp, almost five years ago when I exited the fulltime job scene and made a post about it, the post was decorated with the picture of one French king so it's only fair as I enter back into the fray, I post about it with another French king's portrait. 

Back in 2018 the painting was of Louis XVI, metaphoric of me "getting the axe" since, well, he had a similar fate, although it was literal and actually performed by a guillotine. This time, the dude on the left is Henry IV who famously (allegedly) said roughly the equivalent of the title to this post.

Got the call today from Val (titled "receptionist" but methinks she's the Center's Girl Friday) and I guess I got the job. She needed me to zhuzh up my resume a tad in order for it to jive with the state requirements to certify me as a job coach, basically, play up my role in aiding clients I worked with in the past to get employment. I took some time to do so and sent it off to her. 

The big boss, who I interviewed with yesterday, Kathleen, is out of the office so Val is gonna get back to me early next week to have me presented with the offer letter and instructions regarding pre-employment duties like background checks, fingerprinting, drug test --- the whole shebang when you're working with vulnerable populations of course.

Mostly 9-5 weekday hours with occasional forays into the weekends (and probably some evenings) which I figured as much. Part of my job would be to check in on my folks at their workplace and I would guess some of them work weekends, evenings and even, gasp, when summer comes, outdoors.

Pay is $15/hr. (at least that's what the ad said, the offer letter will no doubt have the accurate figure) which is, as I said, kinda crappy, but for this field, it's actually up there. From what I gather it's 2 bucks more an hour than direct care and I think that's only been upped in the last few months, likely due to the Florida minimum wage hike and the current inflation. I saw Indeed offerings from this place back a year ago paying just $10 an hour for group home staff, I think.

I updated my budget for 2023. With the new job, I figure I'll be getting my first paycheck sometime in mid February and every two weeks thereafter. Factoring out food stamps since I wouldn't any longer qualify, my monthly expenses should be around $1,100 and income around $1,800, leaving a healthy $700/month savings (exclusive of new contributions at max allowable levels to a new 403b directly deducted from pay before the $1,800 take home listed above). By December of this year, I should be looking at some $16,000 in savings.

Maybe I'll throw a puny wad of some of that on the ground in front of the Bank of America thugs and tell them to wipe their asses with it? Then I can safely put my coin in my Ally savings and earn 3.3% interest. I mean, I wouldn't give them everything they were awarded, they better settle for a fraction. 

And like I said, no one's touching Hulk. Except maybe for me as I drive him into a dealership and trade his bright green ass in for a new car. Can you believe this shit, I'm possibly in reach of getting a new fucking car?!

Yeah, I guess Paris is worth a Mass after all.

EDIT: Signed the offer letter, completed the drug test (amazingly anxiety-free) and just waiting on background checks and test results, should start before the end of the month.