Things That Make Me Go Hmmm


Today was the first day of what looks like a pretty short certification schedule for the Intuit TurboTax client though LiveOps. Mainly a welcome and a Sign-On Party, not too many first impressions yet. Zoom sessions are only 2 hours long each day Mon-Fri, for 2 weeks, then a week of "nesting."

I'm hoping that since training is so brief and our role, as described so far, so first level, calls should be very quick and easy and systems at a minimum of complexity. That's what I'm here for.

Possible problems so far? There were well over 200 people in our session alone, and there are two sessions a day, this one being the evening one may be less attended compared to the morning one, I'd guess so figure some 500 or so newbies! And they have these certifications each month around this time of year getting ready for tax season. And that's just LiveOps...Arise and some other WFH call centers are hiring big for this right now. So how many hours will be available? They said that we're required to commit to 1.5 hours of calls in the nesting week and to schedule and honor 20 commits thereafter per week...that's 10 hours. Maybe their requirements are so low 'cause the competition for the hours in Shiftboard will be fierce. Hmmm.

So far experienced two facilitators and both don't ooze too much confidence. Hmmm.

This contract is temporary as well, only out to April, of course. Then it's up to Intuit on who may be chosen to stay on. Stay on for what after April though? A brutal Hunger Games for commits in Shiftboard for straggler calls coming in for a platform that pays you only for your talk time? Hmmm.